Host institution: DESY

Start: Monday, 03 April 2023 @ 14:00

End: Wednesday, 05 April 2023 @ 15:30

Venue: Blomkamp

City: Hamburg

Country: Germany

Postcode: 22607

Target audience:
  • PaN Community
  • PaN users

The DAPHNE4NFDI Annual Meeting 2023 will take place at DESY, Hamburg from

Monday, April 3rd to Wednesday, April 5th 2023.

DAPHNE4NFDI members are welcome to join us for all sessions and activities on all three days. DAPHNE4NFDI participants are cordially invited to join us on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday.

This meeting lives from your contributions!

We therefore encourage you to submit an abstract for a poster (required for DAPHNE4NFDI members) or oral presentation. Please see the Call for abstracts page for more information.

Keywords: DAPHNE, NFDI, photon, neutron

DAPHNE4NFDI Annual Meeting 2023 The DAPHNE4NFDI Annual Meeting 2023 will take place at DESY, Hamburg from Monday, April 3rd to Wednesday, April 5th 2023. DAPHNE4NFDI members are welcome to join us for all sessions and activities on all three days. DAPHNE4NFDI participants are cordially invited to join us on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. This meeting lives from your contributions! We therefore encourage you to submit an abstract for a poster (required for DAPHNE4NFDI members) or oral presentation. Please see the Call for abstracts page for more information. 2023-04-03 14:00:00 UTC 2023-04-05 15:30:00 UTC Blomkamp, Hamburg, Germany Blomkamp Hamburg Germany 22607 DESY [] PaN CommunityPaN users [] [] DAPHNENFDIphotonneutron