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3 events found

Country: Germany 


Keywords: Graph Neural Networks  or neutron  or alpaka 

  • DAPHNE4NFDI Annual Meeting 2023

    3 - 5 April 2023

    Hamburg, Germany

    DAPHNE4NFDI Annual Meeting 2023 The DAPHNE4NFDI Annual Meeting 2023 will take place at DESY, Hamburg from Monday, April 3rd to Wednesday, April 5th 2023. DAPHNE4NFDI members are welcome to join us for all sessions and activities on all three days. DAPHNE4NFDI participants are cordially invited to join us on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. This meeting lives from your contributions! We therefore encourage you to submit an abstract for a poster (required for DAPHNE4NFDI members) or oral presentation. Please see the Call for abstracts page for more information. 2023-04-03 14:00:00 UTC 2023-04-05 15:30:00 UTC Blomkamp, Hamburg, Germany Blomkamp Hamburg Germany 22607 DESY [] PaN CommunityPaN users [] [] DAPHNENFDIphotonneutron
  • Deep Learning School

    21 - 24 May 2024

    Filderstadt, Germany

    Deep Learning School The Active Training Course "Advanced Deep Learning" is hosted over 4 days at (location tba) by the community organization DIG-UM with support from the BMBF-funded ErUM-Data-Hub. The event serves the professional education of young scientists belonging to the ErUM Community. The intensive course on Graph Neural Networks, Transformers, Normalizing Flows and Autoencoders will be held from 21.05.24 - 24.05.24. The course includes a challenge to be worked out and presented by participant subgroups. The workshop is aimed at deep-learning enthusiasts from all ErUM communities (Research on Universe and Matter) who have prior knowledge of neural networks and applied basic concepts of deep learning. A fee of 300€ will be charged for participation in the course. The workshop fee includes the cost of the workshop, accommodation and catering. Registration closes tba. 2024-05-21 17:00:00 UTC 2024-05-24 14:00:00 UTC ErUM-Data-Hub (BMBF) Bernhäuser Forst, Filderstadt, Germany Bernhäuser Forst Filderstadt Germany 70794 [] [] [] workshops_and_courses [] Graph Neural NetworksAutoencoderModel DiffusionNormalizing Flows
  • alpaka and openPMD Workshop & Hackathon

    23 - 25 October 2024

    Dresden, Germany

    alpaka and openPMD Workshop & Hackathon Dear HPC Enthusiasts, We are excited to invite you to a dynamic three-day workshop and hackathon focused on two powerful tools for high-performance computing: alpaka and openPMD. This event will bring together developers, researchers, and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds to collaborate, learn, and innovate. For a brief description of these libraries, see below. ## What to Expect: * Hands-on Tutorials: Participate in guided, hands-on sessions to set up your environment and run your first alpaka and openPMD applications. * Engagement with Experts: Engage with leading experts of these libraries who will share insights, best practices, tips and their experiences. ## What we will cover: * Introduction to alpaka: Learn about the alpaka library, its architecture, and how it enables portable and performant parallel programming across various hardware backends. * Optimizing with alpaka: Discover advanced techniques for optimizing kernels and managing memory in alpaka to achieve maximum performance. * Getting Started with openPMD: Dive into the openPMD standard, exploring how it facilitates scalable I/O for scientific data in simulations and experiments. * Integrating openPMD with Simulation Codes: Learn best practices for integrating openPMD with your existing simulation frameworks and how to leverage its full potential. * Showcasing use of alpaka and openPMD with PIConGPU: PIConGPU is a user of both these libraries and leverages them to do exascale simulations. Take a short look inside PIConGPU to see how these libraries are used in a large project and run a test simulation with PIconGPU. Join us for an engaging and productive event where innovation meets collaboration. Whether you are new to alpaka and openPMD or an experienced user, this workshop and hackathon will provide valuable insights and opportunities to advance your skills and projects and at the end you will be ready to use these powerful libraries in your own projects. Register now to secure your spot. We look forward to seeing you there! 2024-10-23 09:00:00 UTC 2024-10-25 00:00:00 UTC Dresden, Germany Dresden Saxony Germany HZDR [] [] [] [] openPMDalpakahigh-performance computingHPCPIConGPU

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