Keywords: Graph Neural Networks or Autoencoder or Model Diffusion or dataset or metadata or accelerator physics
Call for Expression of Interest: I.FAST Traineeship Programme (application deadline 01/04/2022)
1 April 2022
Call for Expression of Interest: I.FAST Traineeship Programme (application deadline 01/04/2022) The EU-supported project I.FAST announced a traineeship programme to support knowledge transfer of new component technologies between laboratories and industry. The programme offers the opportunity for an early-career engineer or technician working at a European industrial company to work as trainee at one of the I.FAST European Accelerator Development Laboratories for a duration of 2 weeks to 3 months. The traineeship will put emphasis on knowledge transfer in the development, design and testing of new advanced technological components for frontline accelerator and magnet research infrastructures. The programme covers the costs for the duration of the traineeship of: - Salary - Travel - Subsistence The deadline for the application is the 1st of April 2022. 2022-04-01 09:00:00 UTC 2022-04-01 00:00:00 UTC [] [] engineerstechnicians [] [] traineeshipaccelerator physicsmagnetsknowledge transfertechnological components -
Call for Expression of Interest: I.FAST announces Academia-Industry Exchange Programme (application deadline 30/09/2022)
30 September 2022
Call for Expression of Interest: I.FAST announces Academia-Industry Exchange Programme (application deadline 30/09/2022) The programme offers the opportunity for a Company to send an engineer or technician for one or several visits to one of the I.FAST Laboratories and for a I.FAST Laboratory to send a scientist, engineer or technician to a Company for one or several visits The EU-supported project I.FAST announces the possibility to apply for a grant to finance a programme of exchange of knowledge, expertise, and working practices of new accelerator and magnet component technologies between an I.FAST European Accelerator Development Laboratory* (here called the I.FAST Laboratory) and a European Industrial Company (here called the Company). The programme offers the opportunity for a Company to send an engineer or technician for one or several visits to one of the I.FAST Laboratories and for a I.FAST Laboratory to send a scientist, engineer or technician to a Company for one or several visits. A grant of up to 7000 € can be requested for financing such a technical exchange programme which should put emphasis on transfer between the two parties of knowledge, expertise, and working practices of design, fabrication and testing of new advanced technological components for frontline accelerator and magnet research and/or technology infrastructures. The grant can be used to finance the following costs for the engineers and/or technicians during their visits: - Salary - Travel - Subsistence The deadline for application is 30 September 2022. 2022-09-30 09:00:00 UTC 2022-09-30 23:59:00 UTC [] [] engineerstechnicians [] [] traineeshipaccelerator physicsmagnetsknowledge transfertechnological components -
TA1 "Data for Science" Vorlesung
18 April 2023
TA1 "Data for Science" Vorlesung The FAIR Data Principles require that data is described with rich metadata and that it is associated with detailed provenance. Without the indication of the instrument that has been used to collect the data, this description will be incomplete. In order to make this indication reliable and persistent, we need a persistent identifier for the instrument. The Persistent Identification of Instruments Working Group in the Research Data Alliance has explored a community-driven solution for globally unique identification of measuring instruments operated in the sciences. The group formulated a schema for the metadata to identify the instrument that should be stored along with the identifier in the PID infrastructure and it tested potential implementations with infrastructure providers, namely ePIC Handles and DataCite DOIs. 2023-04-18 14:00:00 UTC 2023-04-18 15:00:00 UTC [] [] research data scientist workshops_and_courses [] FAIR Data Principlesmetadatadata provenancepersistent identifiers -
Deep Learning School
21 - 24 May 2024
Filderstadt, Germany
Deep Learning School The Active Training Course "Advanced Deep Learning" is hosted over 4 days at (location tba) by the community organization DIG-UM with support from the BMBF-funded ErUM-Data-Hub. The event serves the professional education of young scientists belonging to the ErUM Community. The intensive course on Graph Neural Networks, Transformers, Normalizing Flows and Autoencoders will be held from 21.05.24 - 24.05.24. The course includes a challenge to be worked out and presented by participant subgroups. The workshop is aimed at deep-learning enthusiasts from all ErUM communities (Research on Universe and Matter) who have prior knowledge of neural networks and applied basic concepts of deep learning. A fee of 300€ will be charged for participation in the course. The workshop fee includes the cost of the workshop, accommodation and catering. Registration closes tba. 2024-05-21 17:00:00 UTC 2024-05-24 14:00:00 UTC ErUM-Data-Hub (BMBF) Bernhäuser Forst, Filderstadt, Germany Bernhäuser Forst Filderstadt Germany 70794 [] [] [] workshops_and_courses [] Graph Neural NetworksAutoencoderModel DiffusionNormalizing Flows -
Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata: Why Context Matters
18 - 19 June 2024
Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata: Why Context Matters This course is an entry-level introduction to the fundamentals of scientific metadata for PhD students, early-career researchers, and postdocs. In this course we will look at the intricate relationship between (digital) research data, metadata, and knowledge; discuss why metadata is critical in today’s research; and explain some of the technologies and concepts related to structured machine-readable metadata. Have you ever struggled to make sense of scientific data provided by a collaborator? Or, even worse, to understand your own data five months after publication... Do you have difficulties in meeting the data description requirements of your funding agency? Do you want your data to have lasting value; but don’t know how to ensure that? Precise and structured descriptions of research data are key for scientific exchange and progress - and for ensuring recognition of your effort in data collection. The solution: make your data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable - by describing them with metadata. This course is targeted especially at scientific staff and researchers in the Helmholtz Research Field Matter but is open to anyone who would like to better understand research data annotation with metadata. *What You Will Learn*: * Understanding the vital differences between data and metadata. * Techniques for annotating research data using structured metadata. * Identifying and implementing appropriate metadata frameworks and data repositories. * Developing basic skills in Markdown, JSON, XML. * Exploring tools to improve your metadata annotation capabilities. * Recognizing the role of structured metadata in enhancing your scientific visibility. In this course, we will specifically focus on matter-related datasets, formats, and metadata schemas. However, it is open to anyone interested in learning about structured metadata and its importance in scientific research. 2024-06-18 09:00:00 UTC 2024-06-19 12:30:00 UTC [] [] [] workshops_and_courses [] metadatadata managementdata repositorymatterdataset -
DESY Summer Students
16 July - 5 September 2024
Hamburg, Germany
DESY Summer Students Each summer DESY offers undergraduate students in physics or related disciplines (such as scientific computing and engineering) the opportunity to obtain first-hand research experience at a large international laboratory. Students are invited for a 8 week training period to experience research in one of the various fields pursued at DESY: (1) Photon science (2) Elementary particle physics & Accelerators (3) Astroparticle physics 2024-07-16 09:00:00 UTC 2024-09-05 17:00:00 UTC DESY 85, Notkestraße, Hamburg, Germany 85, Notkestraße Hamburg Germany 22607 DESY [] undergraduate students workshops_and_courses [] Photon scienceaccelerator physicsparticle physics -
2nd DESY Ukraine School
16 July - 5 September 2024
Hamburg, Germany
2nd DESY Ukraine School Following the first edition in 2023, the 2nd DESY Ukraine School will take place in Summer 2024 and will be done in parallel/jointly with the DESY Summer Student program 2024. Applicants for the first edition who were not successful are welcomed to apply for the second edition. The school provides physics students enrolled at a Ukrainian university the opportunity to obtain first-hand research experience at a large international laboratory. Students are invited for a 8 week training period to DESY Hamburg or Zeuthen and experience research in one of the various fields pursued at DESY: (1) Photon science (2) Elementary particle physicsand Accelerators (3) Astroparticle physics 2024-07-16 09:00:00 UTC 2024-09-05 17:00:00 UTC 85, Notkestraße, Hamburg, Germany 85, Notkestraße Hamburg Germany 22607 DESY DESY undergraduate studentsUkrainian students workshops_and_courses [] Photon scienceparticle physicsastrophysicsaccelerator physics -
HZDR Data and Software Management Day
28 - 29 October 2024
Dresden, Germany
HZDR Data and Software Management Day This year's HZDR Data and Software Management Day takes place from Monday, the 28th of October from 13:00 to Tuesday, the 29th, 13:30 at the great lecture hall (106/255) at HZDR and via Zoom. Against the background of progressive digitization and an ever increasing need for reproducibility, the focus will be on the data and software management landscape at HZDR. In talks and interactive workshops, our colleagues will give insights into the data and software management challenges they're facing and their solutions. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to exchange and discuss these topics further during the coffee breaks. 2024-10-28 13:00:00 UTC 2024-10-29 13:30:00 UTC 400, Bautzner Landstraße, Dresden, Germany 400, Bautzner Landstraße Dresden Saxony Germany 01328 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) [] research scientistsdata managers workshops_and_courses [] data managementresearch datametadatadata lifecycle -
Lecture series "Experiments and Data at Photon and Neutron Facilities"
12 November 2024
Lecture series "Experiments and Data at Photon and Neutron Facilities" This lecture series, organized by the DAPHNE4NFDI consortium, aims at introducing to several common experimental techniques being used at large-scales facilities, i. e. neutron sources and synchrotrons, and various data aspects. The lectures will cover the basics of the methods and show practical application of these. In addition, challenges and opportunities on how to properly and efficiently handle the large datasets produced during experiments (i.e., improved research data management, automatic ingestion of metadata, artificial intelligence and machine learning models) are tackled to emphasize this mostly hidden aspect as well. The lecture series is aimed at MSc and PhD students, but also interested postdocs. The course corresponds to 2 ECTS points. The lecture series consists of 16 lectures and takes place every Tuesday at 3:30 PM (CET), starting from 22/10/2024. Please check content material before each lecture to get the latest version. **Material only for registered users** 2024-11-12 15:30:00 UTC 2024-11-12 17:00:00 UTC DAPHNE4NFDI x-ray absorption spectroscopy Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) masters studentsPhD studentspostdocs workshops_and_courses [] Data at Photon and Neutron Facilitiesdata scienceXRDmetadatarefXAS -
Lecture series "Experiments and Data at Photon and Neutron Facilities"
19 November 2024
Hamburg, Germany
Lecture series "Experiments and Data at Photon and Neutron Facilities" is lecture series, organized by the DAPHNE4NFDI consortium, aims at introducing to several common experimental techniques being used at large-scales facilities, i. e. neutron sources and synchrotrons, and various data aspects. The lectures will cover the basics of the methods and show practical application of these. In addition, challenges and opportunities on how to properly and efficiently handle the large datasets produced during experiments (i.e., improved research data management, automatic ingestion of metadata, artificial intelligence and machine learning models) are tackled to emphasize this mostly hidden aspect as well. The lecture series is aimed at MSc and PhD students, but also interested postdocs. The course corresponds to 2 ECTS points. The lecture series consists of 16 lectures and takes place every Tuesday at 3:30 PM (CET), starting from 22/10/2024. Please check content material before each lecture to get the latest version. 2024-11-19 15:30:00 UTC 2024-11-19 17:00:00 UTC DAPHNE4NFDI 85, Notkestraße, Hamburg, Germany 85, Notkestraße Hamburg Germany 22607 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) masters studentsPhD studentspostdocs workshops_and_courses [] Data at Photon and Neutron Facilitiesdata science XRDmetadatarefXAS -
Lecture series "Experiments and Data at Photon and Neutron Facilities"
3 December 2024
Lecture series "Experiments and Data at Photon and Neutron Facilities" This lecture series, organized by the DAPHNE4NFDI consortium, aims at introducing to several common experimental techniques being used at large-scales facilities, i. e. neutron sources and synchrotrons, and various data aspects. The lectures will cover the basics of the methods and show practical application of these. In addition, challenges and opportunities on how to properly and efficiently handle the large datasets produced during experiments (i.e., improved research data management, automatic ingestion of metadata, artificial intelligence and machine learning models) are tackled to emphasize this mostly hidden aspect as well. The lecture series is aimed at MSc and PhD students, but also interested postdocs. The course corresponds to 2 ECTS points. The lecture series consists of 16 lectures and takes place every Tuesday at 3:30 PM (CET), starting from 22/10/2024. Please check content material before each lecture to get the latest version. **Material only for registered users** 2024-12-03 15:30:00 UTC 2024-12-03 17:00:00 UTC DAPHNE4NFDI small angle scattering Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) masters studentsPhD studentspostdocs workshops_and_courses [] Data at Photon and Neutron Facilitiessmall-angle scatteringmetadatadata science

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