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Keywords: data provenance 

  • TA1 "Data for Science" Vorlesung

    18 April 2023

    TA1 "Data for Science" Vorlesung The FAIR Data Principles require that data is described with rich metadata and that it is associated with detailed provenance. Without the indication of the instrument that has been used to collect the data, this description will be incomplete. In order to make this indication reliable and persistent, we need a persistent identifier for the instrument. The Persistent Identification of Instruments Working Group in the Research Data Alliance has explored a community-driven solution for globally unique identification of measuring instruments operated in the sciences. The group formulated a schema for the metadata to identify the instrument that should be stored along with the identifier in the PID infrastructure and it tested potential implementations with infrastructure providers, namely ePIC Handles and DataCite DOIs. 2023-04-18 14:00:00 UTC 2023-04-18 15:00:00 UTC [] [] research data scientist workshops_and_courses [] FAIR Data Principlesmetadatadata provenancepersistent identifiers

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