Beamline FAIRness Assessment Presentation

The presentation which took place on the 15th November 2021, organised by the ExPaNDS project where Markus Kubin and Gerrit Guenther gave an overview of "Assessing the FAIRness of a prototypical PaN instrument at BESSY II".

Keywords: BESSY II, FAIR, expands, open data, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Language: English

Authors: Markus Kubin , Gerrit Guenther
Beamline FAIRness Assessment Presentation The presentation which took place on the 15th November 2021, organised by the ExPaNDS project where Markus Kubin and Gerrit Guenther gave an overview of "Assessing the FAIRness of a prototypical PaN instrument at BESSY II". BESSY II, FAIR, expands, open data, wp2-ExPaNDS