Demonstrate ICAT and SciCat released with APIs compatible with ExPaNDS federated EOSC services

Implementation and deployment of ICAT and SciCat, by providing real examples of their adoption at different facilities. This material has the primary goal of describing the two data catalogues stack and their integration with the EOSC services. It thus provides examples that other facilities in the process of adopting a data catalogue and willing to integrate it with EOSC can follow.

Keywords: D3.3, wp3-ExPaNDS

Difficulty level: Easy

Language: English

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6363591

Authors: Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran , Carlo Minotti , Louise Davies, Marco Leorato, Matthew Richards, Rolf Krahl , Sudha Padmanabhan, Viktor Bozhinov
Contributors: Alun Ashton , Sophie Servan , Patrick Fuhrmann , Paul Millar
Demonstrate ICAT and SciCat released with APIs compatible with ExPaNDS federated EOSC services Demonstration release of ICAT and SciCat with APIs compatible with ExPaNDS federated EOSC services and its connection to milestone Metadata catalogue as EOSC service in the domain of photon and neutron (PaN) science D3.3, wp3-ExPaNDS