ETH Lib4RI: Research Data Management – The Basics

The event ought to present the data management best practices and tools in the ETH Lib4RI, mentioning existing and supported software in the ETH domain, e.g. git, openBIS, DMPs, SciCat and SciLog.
The event was addressed to ETH staff and ETH students and the participation granted credits to PhD and graduate students.

Keywords: data catalogue, data management, metadata, SciCat

Resource type: slides

Target audience: research scientists, postdocs, PhD students, ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members, PaN users, PaN Community, researchers

Difficulty level: Easy

Language: English

Authors: Fabian Felder, Federico Cantini, Carlo Minotti
ETH Lib4RI: Research Data Management – The Basics Research data management best practices in the ETH Lib4RI, the Library for the Research Institutes within the ETH Domain: Eawag, Empa, PSI & WSL data catalogue, data management, metadata, SciCat research scientists postdocs PhD students ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members PaN users PaN Community researchers