
JupyFluo is a Jupyter Notebook to analyze X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) experiments on the beamline SIRIUS at the synchrotron SOLEIL.
The notebook should be first set up by an Expert following the instructions in the "Expert" section. User can then follow the guidelines in the "User" section to start using the notebook. Please note that the notebook is currently in development. As such, be skeptical about any unexpected results. Any feedback on the notebook or the code is welcome.

Scientific topics: x-ray fluorescence

Keywords: X-ray fluorescence, jupyter notebook, SIRIUS beamline

Resource type: git, jupyter notebook

Language: English

Licence: MIT License

Authors: Arnaud Hemmerle
JupyFluo https://pan-training.eu/materials/jupyfluo JupyFluo is a Jupyter Notebook to analyze X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) experiments on the beamline SIRIUS at the synchrotron SOLEIL. The notebook should be first set up by an Expert following the instructions in the "Expert" section. User can then follow the guidelines in the "User" section to start using the notebook. Please note that the notebook is currently in development. As such, be skeptical about any unexpected results. Any feedback on the notebook or the code is welcome. x-ray fluorescence X-ray fluorescence, jupyter notebook, SIRIUS beamline