Jupyter notebooks on Machine Learning for scientific data analysis

Hands-on Jupyter notebooks to help beginners start using a selected set of Machine Learning (ML) methods. These notebooks represent the practical part of a ML tutorial that was given at the European XFEL data analysis satellite workshop of the 2022 user meeting. Concepts and ideas behind some common ML methods are illustrated.

Resource type: jupyter notebook

Target audience: research data scientist, PhD students, masters students

Difficulty level: Knowledge-dependent

Language: English

Authors: Danilo Enoque Ferreira de Lima
Jupyter notebooks on Machine Learning for scientific data analysis https://pan-training.eu/materials/jupyter-notebooks-on-machine-learning-for-scientific-data-analysis Jupyter Notebooks serving as supplementary material for a tutorial on Machine Learning, originally presented at the 2022 European XFEL user meeting. research data scientist PhD students masters students