Learning pack: The synchrotron and its lights

The machine and beamlines, optical devices, magnetism vacuum and information about the analytic techniques applied on a synchrotron and through examples of studies carried out at the synchrotron SOLEIL.

Scientific topics: extended x-ray absorption fine structure, absorption spectroscopy

Keywords: synchrotron, optics, monochromators, magnetic fields, ultra-high vacuum, applications, xanes & exafs

Resource type: Document

Target audience: general public, masters students

Learning pack: The synchrotron and its lights https://pan-training.eu/materials/learning-pack-the-synchrotron-and-its-lights The machine and beamlines, optical devices, magnetism vacuum and information about the analytic techniques applied on a synchrotron and through examples of studies carried out at the synchrotron SOLEIL. extended x-ray absorption fine structure absorption spectroscopy synchrotron, optics, monochromators, magnetic fields, ultra-high vacuum, applications, xanes & exafs general public masters students