Synchrotron, a light source for research

SOLEIL, a light source for research
How does a synchrotron work? Who comes here to perform experiments? Find some answers in this illustrated video.

The lights of SOLEIL
What lights are used at SOLEIL? Why such a diversity? Find some answers in this illustrated video, very accessible and didactic.

When light explores matter
What happens when light is shone at a sample? What techniques and applications are available at SOLEIL? Find some answers in this illustrated video, very accessible and didactic.

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Keywords: synchrotron, Soleil

Resource type: video

Target audience: general public

External resources:
Synchrotron, a light source for research PART 1: SOLEIL, a light source for research How does a synchrotron work? Who comes here to perform experiments? Find some answers in this illustrated video. PART 2: The lights of SOLEIL What lights are used at SOLEIL? Why such a diversity? Find some answers in this illustrated video, very accessible and didactic. PART 3: When light explores matter What happens when light is shone at a sample? What techniques and applications are available at SOLEIL? Find some answers in this illustrated video, very accessible and didactic. Find more videos on our website synchrotron, Soleil general public