Tomography Case Study

Nearly 120 IT professionals, scientists and managers from the Photon and Neutron (PaN) community attended the 2nd European PaN EOSC Symposium organised jointly by PaNOSC and ExPaNDS on 26th October 2021. The second part of the first session focused on a selection of use cases relating to some of the tools and services developed in the EOSC projects, for FAIR data catalogues, data analysis and simulation.

Here is the second use case. The presentation starts 46m03s in.

The tomography work undertaken at research facilities such as Beamline I13 at Diamond is generating a vast quantity of valuable in-situ radiography and tomography data. Publications presenting the work and results are published in open access journals. The custom applications have been published on Zenodo to allow for free and open access to the analysis package. However, the size limit of Zenodo’s data set means that it is not possible for the team to make the data open in the same manner. As a result, the raw data is available to peers upon request to the Principal Investigator (PI) and transfers are done manually using commercial services (e.g dropbox).

The two PaN EOSC projects can help by:

-Minting a DOI for the dataset and offering a data landing page where authorised users can download the dataset;
-Associating the dataset, publication and analysis workflow, and having each of them referencing the other using persistent identifier;
-Tagging the dataset and analysis workflow application using the common ExPaNDS taxonomy to make the elements easier to find by interested parties;
-Making the data findable via the common search API (and FAIR) and available in EOSC;
-Test the value of common search APIs/sample data sets for FAIR commercial use case;
-Allow for community engagement to gain collaborators to work on the data analysis;
-Explore options around the publishing and long term preservation of data;
-Supporting the Science team in using best practice for open science.

Keywords: tomography, pid, doi, FAIR, large dataset, 3Dmagination, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Language: English

Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5636331

Authors: Kamel Madi
External resources:
Tomography Case Study Kamel Madi presents: Tomography Case Study at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021). tomography, pid, doi, FAIR, large dataset, 3Dmagination, wp5-ExPaNDS