ExPaNDS Workshop - Follow a user story! A journey through the PaN data services.
The ExPaNDS Workshop "Follow a user story", which took place on the 24th of January in Hamburg, Germany (hybrid), aimed to provide a "User Journey", taking the audience on the road of the "European Open Science Cloud Photon and Neutron Data Services".
The objective was to demonstrate how as...
Keywords: expands, EOSC, data services, FAIR, VISA, PaN portal
Resource type: slides, video
ExPaNDS Workshop - Follow a user story! A journey through the PaN data services.
The ExPaNDS Workshop "Follow a user story", which took place on the 24th of January in Hamburg, Germany (hybrid), aimed to provide a "User Journey", taking the audience on the road of the "European Open Science Cloud Photon and Neutron Data Services".
The objective was to demonstrate how as a user, one can benefit from the services developed during the project.
The story began with a FAIR journey presented by Brian Matthews, an EOSC demo from Marta Gutierrez, followed by a demo of the training platform from Oliver Knodel. The last two stops of the journey were two demos from the VISA portal (Silvan Schoen and Michael Schuh) and the search API/Harvesting services (PaN Portal, etc) presented by Carlo Minotti. The session was chaired by Clara Albert.
Find the presentations & prerecorded demos on Zenodo.
The recording will be available very soon.
expands, EOSC, data services, FAIR, VISA, PaN portal
Joint Public Session ExPaNDS/PaNOSC on metadata catalogues (SciCat implementation) and future perspectives
Presentations from public joint WP3 Meeting for ExPaNDS and PaNOSC, which took place in hybrid format from SOLEIL (France) and via Zoom on the 3rd November 2022.
A recording of the event can be found on the ExPaNDS website: https://expands.eu/presentations/
Video recording (direct link to...
Keywords: expands, PaNOSC, open data, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: slides
Joint Public Session ExPaNDS/PaNOSC on metadata catalogues (SciCat implementation) and future perspectives
Presentations from public joint WP3 Meeting for ExPaNDS and PaNOSC, which took place in hybrid format from SOLEIL (France) and via Zoom on the 3rd November 2022.
A recording of the event can be found on the ExPaNDS website: https://expands.eu/presentations/
Video recording (direct link to vimeo) will be available soon.
expands, PaNOSC, open data, wp3-ExPaNDS
data managers
Workshop on Metadata Catalogues
Presentations from the Workshop on Metadata Catalogues, which took place virtually via Zoom on the 4th April 2022.
Keywords: data catalogue, SciCat, ICAT, expands, panet, PaNOSC, metadata, data management, data processing, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: slides, video
Workshop on Metadata Catalogues
Presentations from the Workshop on Metadata Catalogues, which took place virtually via Zoom on the 4th April 2022.
data catalogue, SciCat, ICAT, expands, panet, PaNOSC, metadata, data management, data processing, wp3-ExPaNDS
data curator
data managers
research data engineer
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
PaN users
PaN Community
Demonstrate ICAT and SciCat released with APIs compatible with ExPaNDS federated EOSC services
Demonstration release of ICAT and SciCat with APIs compatible with ExPaNDS federated EOSC services and its connection to milestone Metadata catalogue as EOSC service in the domain of photon and neutron (PaN) science
Keywords: D3.3, wp3-ExPaNDS
Demonstrate ICAT and SciCat released with APIs compatible with ExPaNDS federated EOSC services
Demonstration release of ICAT and SciCat with APIs compatible with ExPaNDS federated EOSC services and its connection to milestone Metadata catalogue as EOSC service in the domain of photon and neutron (PaN) science
D3.3, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaNET implementation by the pan-ontologies-API RESTful service
The application provides a data catalogue independent implementation retrieval and processing of ontologies from an external source. Currently, only the PaNET ontology is implemented. Below is a schematic data flow depicting the role of the pan-ontologies-api.
Keywords: expands, PaNOSC, data catalogue, ontology, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: git, github, Git Project
PaNET implementation by the pan-ontologies-API RESTful service
The application provides a data catalogue independent implementation retrieval and processing of ontologies from an external source. Currently, only the PaNET ontology is implemented. Below is a schematic data flow depicting the role of the pan-ontologies-api.
expands, PaNOSC, data catalogue, ontology, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
Develop common rules and best practices between national RI’s and harmonize the provision of the EOSC services
Slides (and other resources) of the presentations done at this workshop.
How is ExPaNDS delivering its data services to PaNOSC and EOSC?
- Day 1. Data catalogues: getting our open datasets harvested by the community
- Day 2. Data analysis: getting our software in the PaN software...
Keywords: expands, workshop, SciCat, ICAT, B2FIND, OpenAIRE, EOSC, OAI-PMH, data catalogue, wp1-ExPaNDS
Develop common rules and best practices between national RI’s and harmonize the provision of the EOSC services
Slides (and other resources) of the presentations done at this workshop.
How is ExPaNDS delivering its data services to PaNOSC and EOSC?
- Day 1. Data catalogues: getting our open datasets harvested by the community
- Day 2. Data analysis: getting our software in the PaN software catalogue, getting pipelines to run, ensuring their quality over time
expands, workshop, SciCat, ICAT, B2FIND, OpenAIRE, EOSC, OAI-PMH, data catalogue, wp1-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
Metadata Catalogue Release
Self-contained, stand-alone metadata catalogue release that facilities can download to test/try and play with.
Keywords: ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, data catalogue, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: docker, docker-compose, software, git
Metadata Catalogue Release
Self-contained, stand-alone metadata catalogue release that facilities can download to test/try and play with.
ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, data catalogue, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
research data engineer
ExPaNDS mapping dcat ontology and Nexus
Different communities have developed their terminology and are maintaining their metadata schemata or lists of vocabulary. In order to facilitate sharing of data across communities and allow collaboration between heterogeneous systems, interoperability of these vocabularies is required. In ...
Keywords: expands, ontology, mapping, NeXus, DCAT, semantic integration, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: git, tool
ExPaNDS mapping dcat ontology and Nexus
Different communities have developed their terminology and are maintaining their metadata schemata or lists of vocabulary. In order to facilitate sharing of data across communities and allow collaboration between heterogeneous systems, interoperability of these vocabularies is required. In order to increase data interoperability and enable data integration, these vocabularies need to be semantically integrated with other vocabularies and their terms have to be aligned. This enables the development of a common shared vocabulary.
expands, ontology, mapping, NeXus, DCAT, semantic integration, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS NeXusOntology
NeXusOntology: Machine-readable ontology of the NeXus definitions.
The published ontology describes the NeXus standard, it does not define the standard.
This ontology extracts information about NeXus classes and fields from NeXus nxdl definition files on the NeXus GitHub site.
Keywords: NeXus, ontology, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: git, tool
ExPaNDS NeXusOntology
NeXusOntology: Machine-readable ontology of the NeXus definitions.
The published ontology describes the NeXus standard, it does not define the standard.
This ontology extracts information about NeXus classes and fields from NeXus nxdl definition files on the NeXus GitHub site.
This project was undertaken under ExPaNDS WP3.2.
The ontology is designed to fulfil several purposes. First, it creates unique identifiers for each of the NeXus fields which would normally exist only within the namespaces of the defining NeXus classes. This is the primary goal and provides PIDs for annotation and tagging. The second purpose is to allow, via separate ontologies, NeXus fields and classes to be mapped onto equivalent or related terms defined elsewhere.
Finally, we hope that this ontology, when used with a tool such as Protege, will provide a useful 'NeXus Explorer' tool to gain a quick overview of NeXus with links to official NeXus documentation.
NeXus, ontology, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS Photon and Neutron Experimental Techniques (PaNET) ontology
The Photon and Neutron Experimental Technique (PaNET) ontology provides a taxonomy of experimental techniques relevant for the Photon and Neutron (PaN) community. This ontology is being developed as part of the Work Package 3 on EOSC Data Catalogue Services for PaN national Research...
Keywords: panet, expands, ontology, experimental techniques, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: git, tool
ExPaNDS Photon and Neutron Experimental Techniques (PaNET) ontology
The Photon and Neutron Experimental Technique (PaNET) ontology provides a taxonomy of experimental techniques relevant for the Photon and Neutron (PaN) community. This ontology is being developed as part of the Work Package 3 on EOSC Data Catalogue Services for PaN national Research Infrastructures of the ExPaNDS project.
The ontology allows to add semantic tags to datasets, and other related research objects, to indicate the experimental technique(s) that was (or were) used to create them.
panet, expands, ontology, experimental techniques, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS D3.2: Ontologies v1.0
We present ontologies for the domain of photon and neutron (PaN) science. With the primary goal of supporting PaN FAIR data catalogue services, we have developed three ontologies: PaN experimental techniques (PaNET), an ontology of NeXus definitions (NeXusOntology), and a semantic integration...
Keywords: expands, ontology, EOSC, Photon science, experimental techniques, Neutron science, deliverable, D3.2, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: Document
ExPaNDS D3.2: Ontologies v1.0
We present ontologies for the domain of photon and neutron (PaN) science. With the primary goal of supporting PaN FAIR data catalogue services, we have developed three ontologies: PaN experimental techniques (PaNET), an ontology of NeXus definitions (NeXusOntology), and a semantic integration ontology for the PaN domain (PaNmapping). The ontologies are presented as initial versions, supported by community development workflows. The work represents deliverable D3.2 of the Horizon 2020 ExPaNDS project.
expands, ontology, EOSC, Photon science, experimental techniques, Neutron science, deliverable, D3.2, wp3-ExPaNDS
Delivering data services to EOSC
Wiki page recording the ExPaNDS training workshop on data services for EOSC (06/04/2021)
Keywords: OAI-PMH, metadata, harvesting, SciCat, ICAT, B2FIND, OpenAIRE, research data, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: wiki
Delivering data services to EOSC
Wiki page recording the ExPaNDS training workshop on data services for EOSC (06/04/2021)
OAI-PMH, metadata, harvesting, SciCat, ICAT, B2FIND, OpenAIRE, research data, wp3-ExPaNDS
data curator
research data scientist