Neutrons4Science: Enter the world of neutrons! Just be curious!
Enter the world of neutrons! They are a powerful and highly acclaimed tool not only for the study of condensed matter (the world we live in) but also for confirming our current understanding of physics. What's more, you don't even need to be a scientist to use Neutrons4Science. Just be...
Keywords: neutron, ILL ThALES, neutron spectrometer, Magnons, gravitational spectrometer, GRANIT
Resource type: tool
Neutrons4Science: Enter the world of neutrons! Just be curious!
Enter the world of neutrons! They are a powerful and highly acclaimed tool not only for the study of condensed matter (the world we live in) but also for confirming our current understanding of physics. What's more, you don't even need to be a scientist to use Neutrons4Science. Just be curious!
Neutrons and protons are elementary particles constituting the nucleus of atoms. The neutron has no electric charge but has a spin and a magnetic moment. Neutron beams - like beams of X-rays, electrons or muons - are valuable tools for studying the multitude of materials that surround us in our daily lives (alloys, magnets, superconductors, polymers, colloids, proteins, biological systems, …). However, the way neutrons interact with matter is quite unique and, as a result, it can often reveal to us what is normally hidden. With Neutrons4Science you can discover one of the many types of neutron spectroscopy.
The neutron also answers questions on the very foundations of physics, helping us to solve some of the great mysteries of the universe (Is the Grand Unified Theory valid? Is there a fifth fundamental force? ...) As an example, Neutrons4Science gives you insights to a brand new method of neutron spectroscopy that takes advantage of the quantum states of this light neutral particle.
Neutrons4Science lets you experience neutron science through three interactive 3D animations:
• ThALES: Use a neutron spectrometer (ILL ThALES) as if you were performing a real experiment.
• Magnons: Discover the spin waves that exist inside magnetic materials and understand how ThALES can observe them.
• GRANIT: Discover an innovative gravitational spectrometer (ILL GRANIT) based on neutron quantum states in a gravitational field.
These three educational animations were developed with the help of scientists at the "Institut Laue-Langevin", one of the world's flagship facilities for neutron science.
This project was funded by the ILL and the LPSC and developed by Ipter (out of business since 2015).
neutron, ILL ThALES, neutron spectrometer, Magnons, gravitational spectrometer, GRANIT
general public
vDiffraction: A serious game about diffraction and crystals
#### This game is a fun way to discover the world of crystals and their symmetries through diffraction.
Crystals are all around us: in our environment (rocks and minerals, etc), in our bodies (sugar, bones, gallstones, etc.) and in technology (metals and alloys, silicon and quartz used for...
Scientific topics: crystallography
Keywords: game, diffraction, crystal diffraction, software
Resource type: game
vDiffraction: A serious game about diffraction and crystals
#### This game is a fun way to discover the world of crystals and their symmetries through diffraction.
Crystals are all around us: in our environment (rocks and minerals, etc), in our bodies (sugar, bones, gallstones, etc.) and in technology (metals and alloys, silicon and quartz used for microelectronics, etc.). By successively discovering the diffraction of X-rays, neutrons and electrons, scientists in the twentieth century threw the door to the microscopic world wide open by demonstrating that crystals are made up of atoms and molecules and explaining their structure.
Crystals are characterised by the fact that their constituents are arranged in a highly ordered structure. This internal order and its symmetry is clearly visible in the diffraction patterns produced by any crystal. It is this symmetry which is also gives crystals their often amazing shapes, making them highly prized by rockhounds.
Whether you are a senior scientist, a student, or just curious about science, vDiffraction is a serious game that will let you try your hand at crystal diffraction so that you can begin to understand how scientists identify the symmetry characteristics of a crystal. This is the first, crucial step towards understanding the atomic and molecular structure of a crystalline material, in other words what type of atoms and molecules make up the crystal and how they are organised.
game, diffraction, crystal diffraction, software
Photon & Neutron EOSC Symposium (November 2020)
Recording of the "Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium" that happened on November 9th 2020.
Keywords: expands, EOSC, PaNOSC, FAIR, CXIDB, symposium
Resource type: video
Photon & Neutron EOSC Symposium (November 2020)
Recording of the "Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium" that happened on November 9th 2020.
expands, EOSC, PaNOSC, FAIR, CXIDB, symposium
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members