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2 materials found

Author: Andrey Vukolov 


Contributor: Darren Spruce  or Oliver Knodel 

Final recommendations for FAIR Photon and Neutron Data Management

The present deliverable pursues the work initiated in ExPaNDS deliverable 2.2, which established a common metadata framework for FAIR data generated in Photon and Neutron (PaN) facilities. The modalities of implementation of this framework across facilities are examined and current practices and...

Keywords: expands, wp2-ExPaNDS, FAIR, data management

Resource type: Document

Final recommendations for FAIR Photon and Neutron Data Management The present deliverable pursues the work initiated in ExPaNDS deliverable 2.2, which established a common metadata framework for FAIR data generated in Photon and Neutron (PaN) facilities. The modalities of implementation of this framework across facilities are examined and current practices and tools for metadata capture, storage and exposure are highlighted. This work is also the occasion to examine the commonalities of the framework with other initiatives developed inside and outside ExPaNDS such as the common search API, the data catalogues (ExPaNDS WP3), the EOSC discovery platforms B2FIND and OpenAire as well as the NeXus data format. It also provides the reader with guidelines on current tools and schemata available to record provenance and digital preservation information. The essence of these discussions is summarised as a list of practical recommendations at the end. expands, wp2-ExPaNDS, FAIR, data management PaN Community
Advanced infrastructure for PIDs in Photon and Neutron RIs

This deliverable accumulates results of ExPaNDS works on the topic of persistent identifiers (PIDs) in facilities research. It refers to the substantial effort of persistent identifiers adoption in facilities and in a larger research ecosystem, and provides a general guidance, as well as...

Keywords: persistent identifiers, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: project deliverable

Advanced infrastructure for PIDs in Photon and Neutron RIs This deliverable accumulates results of ExPaNDS works on the topic of persistent identifiers (PIDs) in facilities research. It refers to the substantial effort of persistent identifiers adoption in facilities and in a larger research ecosystem, and provides a general guidance, as well as prioritised recommendations for research information practitioners who consider going beyond the current levels of persistent identifiers adoption by photon and neutron research infrastructures. persistent identifiers, wp2-ExPaNDS facility staff scientists