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Author: Frank von Delft 

DOI, FAIR and MX COVID-19 use case

Frank von Delft presents: DOI, FAIR and MX COVID-19 use case at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021).

Keywords: COVID research, FAIR, fragalysis, drug development, XChem, PDB, zenodo, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

DOI, FAIR and MX COVID-19 use case Frank von Delft presents: DOI, FAIR and MX COVID-19 use case at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021). COVID research, FAIR, fragalysis, drug development, XChem, PDB, zenodo, wp5-ExPaNDS