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Target audience: data curator 


Keywords: PUMA project 


Author: Mark Thorley 

Librarian Symposium

Our Librarian Symposium was aimed at librarians and data managers who work with and support PaN science facilities. In particular, the symposium focused on the interface between publications and data. How can we bring these together better for the benefit of all? Where are the gaps? What do we...

Keywords: expands, open data, persistent identifiers, pid, PUMA project, publishing experiments, F-UJI tool, FAIR, FAIR metrics, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Librarian Symposium Our Librarian Symposium was aimed at librarians and data managers who work with and support PaN science facilities. In particular, the symposium focused on the interface between publications and data. How can we bring these together better for the benefit of all? Where are the gaps? What do we need to bridge them? Watch our video recordings for the AM and PM sessions, you can also find our report and presentations below. expands, open data, persistent identifiers, pid, PUMA project, publishing experiments, F-UJI tool, FAIR, FAIR metrics, wp2-ExPaNDS librarians data managers data curator