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Author: Oliver Knodel 

ExPaNDS Workshop - Follow a user story! A journey through the PaN data services.

The ExPaNDS Workshop "Follow a user story", which took place on the 24th of January in Hamburg, Germany (hybrid), aimed to provide a "User Journey", taking the audience on the road of the "European Open Science Cloud Photon and Neutron Data Services". The objective was to demonstrate how as...

Keywords: expands, EOSC, data services, FAIR, VISA, PaN portal

Resource type: slides, video

ExPaNDS Workshop - Follow a user story! A journey through the PaN data services. The ExPaNDS Workshop "Follow a user story", which took place on the 24th of January in Hamburg, Germany (hybrid), aimed to provide a "User Journey", taking the audience on the road of the "European Open Science Cloud Photon and Neutron Data Services". The objective was to demonstrate how as a user, one can benefit from the services developed during the project. The story began with a FAIR journey presented by Brian Matthews, an EOSC demo from Marta Gutierrez, followed by a demo of the training platform from Oliver Knodel. The last two stops of the journey were two demos from the VISA portal (Silvan Schoen and Michael Schuh) and the search API/Harvesting services (PaN Portal, etc) presented by Carlo Minotti. The session was chaired by Clara Albert. Find the presentations & prerecorded demos on Zenodo. The recording will be available very soon. expands, EOSC, data services, FAIR, VISA, PaN portal
Self-evaluation Photon and Neutron RIs for FAIR data certification

This ExPaNDS project deliverable describes a FAIR self-assessment undertaken by the ten ExPaNDS partner Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures (PaN RIs) over the three-month period July – September 2022. After reviewing selected examples of existing FAIR evaluation frameworks designed to...

Keywords: FAIR, metadata, expands, European Photon and Neutron facilities , wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: Document

Self-evaluation Photon and Neutron RIs for FAIR data certification This ExPaNDS project deliverable describes a FAIR self-assessment undertaken by the ten ExPaNDS partner Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures (PaN RIs) over the three-month period July – September 2022. After reviewing selected examples of existing FAIR evaluation frameworks designed to enable assessment at different levels (dataset, repository, and organisation), the report describes the evaluation approach adopted for the ExPaNDS FAIR self-assessment. As no existing framework met our specific need to focus on FAIR workflows and processes in PaN RIs, it was necessary to select, combine, and adapt existing frameworks. Supported by four underlying guiding principles, our approach drew heavily on the FAIR Principles, the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model, and FAIRsFAIR’s CoreTrustSeal+FAIRenabling framework. Post-evaluation feedback from ExPaNDS partners indicated that they found the FAIR self-assessment a useful and valuable exercise for understanding current levels of FAIRness at their facilities and for articulating what implementations they have in progress or planned to support FAIR in future. A key output of the ExPaNDS FAIR evaluation is the collected self-assessment reports from the ten partner facilities. These reports are published openly and in full as part of the deliverable. In addition, the self-assessments are supplemented with some high-level observations on the state of the FAIR journey across the ExPaNDS facilities. FAIR, metadata, expands, European Photon and Neutron facilities , wp2-ExPaNDS PaN Community
Workshop on Metadata Catalogues

Presentations from the Workshop on Metadata Catalogues, which took place virtually via Zoom on the 4th April 2022.

Keywords: data catalogue, SciCat, ICAT, expands, panet, PaNOSC, metadata, data management, data processing, wp3-ExPaNDS

Resource type: slides, video

Workshop on Metadata Catalogues Presentations from the Workshop on Metadata Catalogues, which took place virtually via Zoom on the 4th April 2022. data catalogue, SciCat, ICAT, expands, panet, PaNOSC, metadata, data management, data processing, wp3-ExPaNDS data curator data managers research data engineer ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members PaN users PaN Community
ExPaNDS mid-term review

Slides of the presentations done during the ExPaNDS midterm review.

Keywords: expands

Resource type: slides

ExPaNDS mid-term review Slides of the presentations done during the ExPaNDS midterm review. expands ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
Librarian Symposium

Our Librarian Symposium was aimed at librarians and data managers who work with and support PaN science facilities. In particular, the symposium focused on the interface between publications and data. How can we bring these together better for the benefit of all? Where are the gaps? What do we...

Keywords: expands, open data, persistent identifiers, pid, PUMA project, publishing experiments, F-UJI tool, FAIR, FAIR metrics, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Librarian Symposium Our Librarian Symposium was aimed at librarians and data managers who work with and support PaN science facilities. In particular, the symposium focused on the interface between publications and data. How can we bring these together better for the benefit of all? Where are the gaps? What do we need to bridge them? Watch our video recordings for the AM and PM sessions, you can also find our report and presentations below. expands, open data, persistent identifiers, pid, PUMA project, publishing experiments, F-UJI tool, FAIR, FAIR metrics, wp2-ExPaNDS librarians data managers data curator
ExPaNDS D5.4 : PaN Training Catalogue Demo Video

Demo video demonstrating the concept and the features of the PaN Training Catalogue as part of ExPaNDS Deliverable 5.4

Keywords: catalogue, expands, deliverable, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video

ExPaNDS D5.4 : PaN Training Catalogue Demo Video Demo video demonstrating the concept and the features of the PaN Training Catalogue as part of ExPaNDS Deliverable 5.4 catalogue, expands, deliverable, wp5-ExPaNDS
Python Laser Image Visualization

Tool showing pictures from different cameras (directories) in a grid and a stepwise counter-based scroll functionality. Most of the layout and (future) filter options are defined by command line to allow an easy integration into an workflow based on CWL, OWL (or Knime). In future developments...

Keywords: Python, Laser, Visualization, Cameras, Laser Ion Acceleration, Qt5

Resource type: software, git

Python Laser Image Visualization Tool showing pictures from different cameras (directories) in a grid and a stepwise counter-based scroll functionality. Most of the layout and (future) filter options are defined by command line to allow an easy integration into an workflow based on CWL, OWL (or Knime). In future developments most of the parameters can be changed interactive and saved to a json file which can be used to describe the next workflow inputs, so that an interactive workflow development is possible. Python, Laser, Visualization, Cameras, Laser Ion Acceleration, Qt5 PaN Community Photon Community