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Author: Tobias Richter 

Joint Public Session ExPaNDS/PaNOSC on metadata catalogues (SciCat implementation) and future perspectives

Presentations from public joint WP3 Meeting for ExPaNDS and PaNOSC, which took place in hybrid format from SOLEIL (France) and via Zoom on the 3rd November 2022. A recording of the event can be found on the ExPaNDS website: Video recording (direct link to...

Keywords: expands, PaNOSC, open data, wp3-ExPaNDS

Resource type: slides

Joint Public Session ExPaNDS/PaNOSC on metadata catalogues (SciCat implementation) and future perspectives Presentations from public joint WP3 Meeting for ExPaNDS and PaNOSC, which took place in hybrid format from SOLEIL (France) and via Zoom on the 3rd November 2022. A recording of the event can be found on the ExPaNDS website: Video recording (direct link to vimeo) will be available soon. expands, PaNOSC, open data, wp3-ExPaNDS data managers
Common search API definition

This document summarises the development of a common search API achieved in the PaNOSC Work Package 3. It explains the rationale behind the development and many of the decisions made as well as the general process that was followed.

Keywords: PaNOSC, expands, SciCat, ICAT, wp3-ExPaNDS

Resource type: Document

Common search API definition This document summarises the development of a common search API achieved in the PaNOSC Work Package 3. It explains the rationale behind the development and many of the decisions made as well as the general process that was followed. PaNOSC, expands, SciCat, ICAT, wp3-ExPaNDS PaN Community ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members engineers research data engineer data managers data curator