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Target audience: beamline users 


Keywords: synchrotron 


Content provider: ALBA  or Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)  or MAX IV 

Tour of MAX IV accelerators with professor Sverker Werin

Join us in the tour of MAX IV Laboratory's accelerators hosted by Sverker Werin, professor in accelerator physics at Lund University and MAX IV. The electron guns 00:24 Along the linear accelerator 2:59 The bunch compressor 4:42 The 1.5 GeV ring extraction point 5:47 The modulators and...

Keywords: synchrotron, accelerator physics

Resource type: video

Tour of MAX IV accelerators with professor Sverker Werin Join us in the tour of MAX IV Laboratory's accelerators hosted by Sverker Werin, professor in accelerator physics at Lund University and MAX IV. The electron guns 00:24 Along the linear accelerator 2:59 The bunch compressor 4:42 The 1.5 GeV ring extraction point 5:47 The modulators and klystrons 7:03 In the 3.0 GeV storage ring 8:13 The undulators in the 3.0 GeV rings 10:50 The start of the photon beam 11:57 Topping up energy in the storage ring 12:42 In the MAX IV accelerator exhibition 13:39 synchrotron, accelerator physics PaN Community beamline users