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Content provider: Stanford Synchrotron Radiat...  or League of advanced European... 

The Wolter optics based neutron microscope

Imaging with neutrons has seen strong development in the past two decades, driven by the rapid improvements in digital cameras and the ability to use the properties of the neutron to generate a variety of image contrasts. This webinar will give an overview of the start of the NIST neutron imaging...

Keywords: neutron, Neutron imaging, neutron microscopy, Wolter optics

Resource type: video

The Wolter optics based neutron microscope Imaging with neutrons has seen strong development in the past two decades, driven by the rapid improvements in digital cameras and the ability to use the properties of the neutron to generate a variety of image contrasts. This webinar will give an overview of the start of the NIST neutron imaging program and how measurements have been augmented with a simultaneous X-ray source. Discussion will focus on the current state of the art in neutron microscopy, and the outlook for the field with the nearly completed first neutron equivalent to Hooke’s microscope with lens based on Wolter optics. neutron, Neutron imaging, neutron microscopy, Wolter optics
Electronic Structure Interpretation from XANES

Introduction to XANES and Metal K-pre-edge XAS analysis to obtain electronic structure information such as symmetry, ligand-field, bonding.

Scientific topics: x-ray absorption near edge structure, x-ray absorption

Keywords: xanes, XAS

Resource type: video

Electronic Structure Interpretation from XANES Introduction to XANES and Metal K-pre-edge XAS analysis to obtain electronic structure information such as symmetry, ligand-field, bonding. x-ray absorption near edge structure x-ray absorption xanes, XAS
Introduction to the Practical Aspects of XAS and EXAFS data Measurement.

A practical guide on how to get prepared to measure distortion free XAS data.

Scientific topics: x-ray absorption, extended x-ray absorption fine structure

Keywords: ssrl, XAS, exafs

Resource type: video

Introduction to the Practical Aspects of XAS and EXAFS data Measurement. A practical guide on how to get prepared to measure distortion free XAS data. x-ray absorption extended x-ray absorption fine structure ssrl, XAS, exafs