Cryo electron microscopy
An introduction to the Diamond Light Source cryo-electron microscope facilities.
Scientific topics: cryo x-ray microscopy
Keywords: cryo-electron tomography, single particle analysis
Resource type: video
Cryo electron microscopy
An introduction to the Diamond Light Source cryo-electron microscope facilities.
cryo x-ray microscopy
cryo-electron tomography, single particle analysis
Bruce Ravel XAS course 2011
Bruce Ravel XAS course 2011
In November 2011 Bruce Ravel gave a course on the Demeter package at diamond.
Scientific topics: x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Keywords: XAS, demeter, athena
Resource type: video
Bruce Ravel XAS course 2011
Bruce Ravel XAS course 2011
In November 2011 Bruce Ravel gave a course on the Demeter package at diamond.
x-ray absorption spectroscopy
XAS, demeter, athena
The Braggs Legacy
The scientific and human story behind the past, present and future of one of the most important ever developments in science.
100 years after it was first developed, crystallography is still a driving force of scientific discovery and innovation. Revealing the hidden structure and beauty of...
Scientific topics: crystallography
Keywords: bragg's law, crystallography, history
Resource type: video
The Braggs Legacy
The scientific and human story behind the past, present and future of one of the most important ever developments in science.
100 years after it was first developed, crystallography is still a driving force of scientific discovery and innovation. Revealing the hidden structure and beauty of materials, it gives an insight into the invisible.
This film from Diamond Light Source celebrates the work and lives of Sir William Henry Bragg and his son, Sir William Lawrence Bragg. Together, they established a new scientific discipline. A son with the theoretical understanding and father with the experimental technique to harness this knowledge.
The technique emerged a century ago, but its power to reveal the minutiae of matter is as strong today as it was then. This film journeys through the key experiments and insights from 1912, and the torrent of discoveries that followed. With interviews and commentaries from leading scientists and historians of today, it is an exploration of the scientific and human story behind the past, present and future of one of the most important ever developments in science.
bragg's law, crystallography, history
general public
ExPaNDS Promotional Video
ExPaNDS making data available.
Keywords: expands, FAIR, open data, EOSC, wp6-ExPaNDS
Resource type: video
ExPaNDS Promotional Video
ExPaNDS making data available.
expands, FAIR, open data, EOSC, wp6-ExPaNDS
general public