European Photon and Neutron Open Data Search Portal
The European Photon and Neutron sources are working together in the PaNOSC and ExPaNDS projects financed by the European Commission to build the European Open Science Cloud. One of the main objectives of the EOSC is to make Open Data from these facilities FAIR. This portal implements the...
European Photon and Neutron Open Data Search Portal
The European Photon and Neutron sources are working together in the PaNOSC and ExPaNDS projects financed by the European Commission to build the European Open Science Cloud. One of the main objectives of the EOSC is to make Open Data from these facilities FAIR. This portal implements the F(indable) part of FAIR via a **federated search engine** from the following facilities:
- European Spallation Source
- Institut Laue Langevin
Additional facilities will be included in the federated search as their search engines come online locally. The goal is to include all photon and neutron facilites who provide open data by the end of the two projects PaNOSC and ExPaNDS.
The mission of the PaN data search portal is to contribute to the realization of a data commons for Neutron and Photon science. The search results provide a link to the landing page of the data DOIs through which the other data services provided by PaNOSC and ExPaNDS for data downloading, analysis, notebooks and simulation can be accessed. The aim of the portal is to facilitate using data from photon and neutron sources for the many scientists from existing and future disciplines. To achieve this aim, the exchange of know-how and experiences is crucial to driving a change in culture by embracing Open Science among the targeted scientific communities. This is why the project works closely with the national photon and neutron sources in Europe to develop common policies, strategies and solutions in the area of FAIR data policy, data management and data services.
FAIR, federated search engine, open data, EOSC