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2 materials found

Target audience: scientists 


Contributor: Darren Spruce  or Gregor Mali 

Advanced infrastructure for PIDs in Photon and Neutron RIs

This deliverable accumulates results of ExPaNDS works on the topic of persistent identifiers (PIDs) in facilities research. It refers to the substantial effort of persistent identifiers adoption in facilities and in a larger research ecosystem, and provides a general guidance, as well as...

Keywords: persistent identifiers, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: project deliverable

Advanced infrastructure for PIDs in Photon and Neutron RIs This deliverable accumulates results of ExPaNDS works on the topic of persistent identifiers (PIDs) in facilities research. It refers to the substantial effort of persistent identifiers adoption in facilities and in a larger research ecosystem, and provides a general guidance, as well as prioritised recommendations for research information practitioners who consider going beyond the current levels of persistent identifiers adoption by photon and neutron research infrastructures. persistent identifiers, wp2-ExPaNDS facility staff scientists
Introduction to solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) at the Slovenian NMR Centre

Introduction to Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) at the CERIC Slovenian partner facility, the Slovenian NMR Centre at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana by Gregor Mali and Andraž Krajnc Link to related NMR webpages:...

Keywords: Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR, life sciences, battery research, pharmaceutical research, NMR spectra, NMR spectroscopy, Slovenian NMR Centre, CERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium

Resource type: video

Introduction to solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) at the Slovenian NMR Centre Introduction to Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) at the CERIC Slovenian partner facility, the Slovenian NMR Centre at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana by Gregor Mali and Andraž Krajnc Link to related NMR webpages: Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR, life sciences, battery research, pharmaceutical research, NMR spectra, NMR spectroscopy, Slovenian NMR Centre, CERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium researchers scientists PhD students researchers in energy materials chemists