Workshop on Metadata Catalogues
Presentations from the Workshop on Metadata Catalogues, which took place virtually via Zoom on the 4th April 2022.
Keywords: data catalogue, SciCat, ICAT, expands, panet, PaNOSC, metadata, data management, data processing, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: slides, video
Workshop on Metadata Catalogues
Presentations from the Workshop on Metadata Catalogues, which took place virtually via Zoom on the 4th April 2022.
data catalogue, SciCat, ICAT, expands, panet, PaNOSC, metadata, data management, data processing, wp3-ExPaNDS
data curator
data managers
research data engineer
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
PaN users
PaN Community
PaNOSC search scoring
It illustrates how the Scoring service is designed, how to deploy it and integrate it with the local data catalogue system and the PaN Search api
Keywords: expands, PaNOSC, scoring
Resource type: github
PaNOSC search scoring
It illustrates how the Scoring service is designed, how to deploy it and integrate it with the local data catalogue system and the PaN Search api
expands, PaNOSC, scoring
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
data curator
data managers
research data engineer
Common search API definition
This document summarises the development of a common search API achieved in the PaNOSC Work Package 3. It explains the rationale behind the development and many of the decisions made as well as the general process that was followed.
Keywords: PaNOSC, expands, SciCat, ICAT, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: Document
Common search API definition
This document summarises the development of a common search API achieved in the PaNOSC Work Package 3. It explains the rationale behind the development and many of the decisions made as well as the general process that was followed.
PaNOSC, expands, SciCat, ICAT, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
research data engineer
data managers
data curator
DAPHNE4NFDI: Science driven data management solutions for the user community
Slides (and other resources) of the presentations done at this workshop, including a presentation of ICAT and SciCat.
Keywords: ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: slides
DAPHNE4NFDI: Science driven data management solutions for the user community
Slides (and other resources) of the presentations done at this workshop, including a presentation of ICAT and SciCat.
ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
PaN users
data curator
data managers
research data engineer
PaNET implementation by the pan-ontologies-API RESTful service
The application provides a data catalogue independent implementation retrieval and processing of ontologies from an external source. Currently, only the PaNET ontology is implemented. Below is a schematic data flow depicting the role of the pan-ontologies-api.
Keywords: expands, PaNOSC, data catalogue, ontology, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: git, github, Git Project
PaNET implementation by the pan-ontologies-API RESTful service
The application provides a data catalogue independent implementation retrieval and processing of ontologies from an external source. Currently, only the PaNET ontology is implemented. Below is a schematic data flow depicting the role of the pan-ontologies-api.
expands, PaNOSC, data catalogue, ontology, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
Outreach videos about experiments done at ALBA
Here you will find a series of videos about the different applications of synchrotron light. Videos are in Spanish and Catalan, although subtitles are available in English, Catalan and Spanish.
Its aim is to transmit in a simple and understandable way a selection of the applications that can...
Keywords: synchrotron, synchrotron light, applications
Resource type: video
Outreach videos about experiments done at ALBA
Here you will find a series of videos about the different applications of synchrotron light. Videos are in Spanish and Catalan, although subtitles are available in English, Catalan and Spanish.
Its aim is to transmit in a simple and understandable way a selection of the applications that can have the synchrotron light in different scientific fields: health, food, environment, cultural heritage, etc.
These videos are part of the project FCT-15-9828 "Bringing science to society – Outreach science program of the ALBA Synchrotron", funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) - Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Foundation Obra Social "la Caixa".
synchrotron, synchrotron light, applications
general public
Metadata Catalogue Release
Self-contained, stand-alone metadata catalogue release that facilities can download to test/try and play with.
Keywords: ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, data catalogue, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: docker, docker-compose, software, git
Metadata Catalogue Release
Self-contained, stand-alone metadata catalogue release that facilities can download to test/try and play with.
ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, data catalogue, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
research data engineer