PyMca tutorial
A manual and a tutorial notebook on how to use PyMca to fit XRF data obtained on the beamline SIRIUS.
To use the notebook first uncompress and
Scientific topics: x-ray fluorescence
Keywords: PyMca, XRF
Resource type: pdf, git
PyMca tutorial
A manual and a tutorial notebook on how to use PyMca to fit XRF data obtained on the beamline SIRIUS.
To use the notebook first uncompress and
x-ray fluorescence
PyMca, XRF
CrystFEL tutorial
This tutorial covers most of the main steps of using CrystFEL, and is based on processing some freely available LCLS data. The aim of this page is to give an overall idea of how the programs fit together and equip you with the knowledge you need to get started with processing a serial...
Keywords: CrystFEL, data processing, crystallography, structural biology
Resource type: tutorial
CrystFEL tutorial
This tutorial covers most of the main steps of using CrystFEL, and is based on processing some freely available LCLS data. The aim of this page is to give an overall idea of how the programs fit together and equip you with the knowledge you need to get started with processing a serial crystallography data set on your own.
CrystFEL, data processing, crystallography, structural biology
Photon Community