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2 materials found

Keywords: large dataset 

Machine Learning-based Spectra Classification

Yue Sun presents: Machine Learning-based Spectra Classification at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021).

Scientific topics: spectroscopy

Keywords: machine learning, XFEL, FAIR, large dataset, NeXus, spectroscopy, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Machine Learning-based Spectra Classification Yue Sun presents: Machine Learning-based Spectra Classification at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021). spectroscopy machine learning, XFEL, FAIR, large dataset, NeXus, spectroscopy, wp5-ExPaNDS PaN Community scientists
Tomography Case Study

Kamel Madi presents: Tomography Case Study at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021).

Keywords: tomography, pid, doi, FAIR, large dataset, 3Dmagination, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Tomography Case Study Kamel Madi presents: Tomography Case Study at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021). tomography, pid, doi, FAIR, large dataset, 3Dmagination, wp5-ExPaNDS