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2 materials found

Keywords: stitching 


Resource type: video 

NXtomo stitching

tutorial on how to stitch NXtomos (projections) together.

Scientific topics: tomography

Keywords: tomography, tomotools, tomwer, nabu, stitching, NXtomo, projections

Resource type: video

NXtomo stitching tutorial on how to stitch NXtomos (projections) together. tomography tomography, tomotools, tomwer, nabu, stitching, NXtomo, projections
Tomwer: Z stitching of reconstructed volumes

Tutorials on how to stitch volumes reconstructed with nabu that have their positions along axis 0 (aka z) changing. Usually called a z-serie. tomotools

Scientific topics: tomography

Keywords: tomography, tomotools, tomwer, nabu, stitching, volume

Resource type: video

Tomwer: Z stitching of reconstructed volumes Tutorials on how to stitch volumes reconstructed with nabu that have their positions along axis 0 (aka z) changing. Usually called a z-serie. tomotools tomography tomography, tomotools, tomwer, nabu, stitching, volume