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Keywords: xanes 

Displaying ID21 XANES Spectra with PyMca

This video shows how to display X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) spectra from ID21 beamline at the ESRF with PyMca

Scientific topics: x-ray absorption near edge structure

Keywords: PyMca, xanes

Resource type: video

Displaying ID21 XANES Spectra with PyMca This video shows how to display X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) spectra from ID21 beamline at the ESRF with PyMca x-ray absorption near edge structure PyMca, xanes
Electronic Structure Interpretation from XANES

Introduction to XANES and Metal K-pre-edge XAS analysis to obtain electronic structure information such as symmetry, ligand-field, bonding.

Scientific topics: x-ray absorption near edge structure, x-ray absorption

Keywords: xanes, XAS

Resource type: video

Electronic Structure Interpretation from XANES Introduction to XANES and Metal K-pre-edge XAS analysis to obtain electronic structure information such as symmetry, ligand-field, bonding. x-ray absorption near edge structure x-ray absorption xanes, XAS
XAFS, EXAFS, and XANES tutorials (also is a community site for x-ray absorption fine-structure (XAFS) and related spectroscopies. It is part of the web pages sponsored by the International XAFS Society,

Scientific topics: extended x-ray absorption fine structure, x-ray absorption fine structure, x-ray absorption near edge structure

Keywords: xanes & exafs, xafs, exafs, xanes

Resource type: community site

XAFS, EXAFS, and XANES tutorials (also is a community site for x-ray absorption fine-structure (XAFS) and related spectroscopies. It is part of the web pages sponsored by the International XAFS Society, extended x-ray absorption fine structure x-ray absorption fine structure x-ray absorption near edge structure xanes & exafs, xafs, exafs, xanes