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Licence: European Union Public Licen...
iFit: a simple library to analyze data
The iFit library (pronounce [eye-fit]) is a set of methods to load, analyze, plot, fit and optimize scientific data sets and models, and export results. iFit is based on Matlab, but can also be launched without Matlab license (stand-alone version).Matlab The library focuses on doing the math...
iFit: a simple library to analyze data
The iFit library (pronounce [eye-fit]) is a set of methods to load, analyze, plot, fit and optimize scientific data sets and models, and export results. iFit is based on Matlab, but can also be launched without Matlab license (stand-alone version).Matlab The library focuses on doing the math right. Any text file can be imported straight away, and a large set of binary files are supported. Any data dimensionality can be handled, including event based data sets (even though not all methods do work for these). Any model can be assembled for fitting data sets.
McStas, DFT, phonons, matlab