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247 materials found

Practical session: PGAA (Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis)

PGAA (Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis) practical tutorial by Dr. László Szentmiklósi from CERIC’s Hungarian Partner Facility, Budapest Neutron Center (BNC)

Keywords: neutron sources, neutron research, PGAA, Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis

Resource type: video

Practical session: PGAA (Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis) PGAA (Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis) practical tutorial by Dr. László Szentmiklósi from CERIC’s Hungarian Partner Facility, Budapest Neutron Center (BNC) neutron sources, neutron research, PGAA, Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis PaN Community PaN users PhD students
Introduction to Neutron Imaging and PGAA (Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis)

Introduction to Neutron Imaging and PGAA (Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis) by Dr. László Szentmiklósi from CERIC’s Hungarian Partner Facility, Budapest Neutron Center (BNC)

Keywords: Neutron imaging, neutron research, neutron sources, PGAA, Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis

Resource type: video

Introduction to Neutron Imaging and PGAA (Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis) Introduction to Neutron Imaging and PGAA (Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis) by Dr. László Szentmiklósi from CERIC’s Hungarian Partner Facility, Budapest Neutron Center (BNC) Neutron imaging, neutron research, neutron sources, PGAA, Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis PaN users PaN Community PhD students
Introduction to neutron scattering

Introduction to Neutron Scattering by Dr. Márton Markó from CERIC’s Hungarian Partner Facility, Budapest Neutron Center (BNC)

Scientific topics: neutron scattering

Keywords: neutron sources, Neutron scattering

Resource type: video

Introduction to neutron scattering Introduction to Neutron Scattering by Dr. Márton Markó from CERIC’s Hungarian Partner Facility, Budapest Neutron Center (BNC) neutron scattering neutron sources, Neutron scattering PaN Community PaN users PhD students
Introduction to neutron sources

Introduction to Neutron Sources by Dr. Márton Markó from CERIC’s Hungarian Partner Facility, Budapest Neutron Center (BNC)

Keywords: neutron sources

Resource type: video

Introduction to neutron sources Introduction to Neutron Sources by Dr. Márton Markó from CERIC’s Hungarian Partner Facility, Budapest Neutron Center (BNC) neutron sources PaN Community PaN users PhD students
2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021)

Recording of the "2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium" that happened on 26th October 2021.

Keywords: expands, EOSC, PaNOSC, FAIR, symposium, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video

2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021) Recording of the "2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium" that happened on 26th October 2021. expands, EOSC, PaNOSC, FAIR, symposium, wp5-ExPaNDS PaN Community ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
DOI, FAIR and MX COVID-19 use case

Frank von Delft presents: DOI, FAIR and MX COVID-19 use case at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021).

Keywords: COVID research, FAIR, fragalysis, drug development, XChem, PDB, zenodo, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

DOI, FAIR and MX COVID-19 use case Frank von Delft presents: DOI, FAIR and MX COVID-19 use case at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021). COVID research, FAIR, fragalysis, drug development, XChem, PDB, zenodo, wp5-ExPaNDS
Machine Learning-based Spectra Classification

Yue Sun presents: Machine Learning-based Spectra Classification at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021).

Scientific topics: spectroscopy

Keywords: machine learning, XFEL, FAIR, large dataset, NeXus, spectroscopy, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Machine Learning-based Spectra Classification Yue Sun presents: Machine Learning-based Spectra Classification at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021). spectroscopy machine learning, XFEL, FAIR, large dataset, NeXus, spectroscopy, wp5-ExPaNDS PaN Community scientists
TELBE data analysis workflow and the PaN training platform UX

Jan-Christoph Deinert presents: TELBE data analysis workflow and the PaN training platform UX at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021).

Keywords: training platform, workflow, TELBE, FAIR, data correction, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

TELBE data analysis workflow and the PaN training platform UX Jan-Christoph Deinert presents: TELBE data analysis workflow and the PaN training platform UX at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021). training platform, workflow, TELBE, FAIR, data correction, wp5-ExPaNDS
Neutron diffraction from Boro-carbon for efficient structural analysis and defect detection

Mousumi Upadhyay Kahaly presents: Neutron diffraction from Boro-carbon for efficient structural analysis and defect detection at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021).

Scientific topics: neutron diffraction, inelastic scattering

Keywords: McStas, simulation, inelastic neutron scattering, ab-initio, neutron scattering, neutron, neutron diffraction, defect detection, structural analysis, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Neutron diffraction from Boro-carbon for efficient structural analysis and defect detection Mousumi Upadhyay Kahaly presents: Neutron diffraction from Boro-carbon for efficient structural analysis and defect detection at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021). neutron diffraction inelastic scattering McStas, simulation, inelastic neutron scattering, ab-initio, neutron scattering, neutron, neutron diffraction, defect detection, structural analysis, wp5-ExPaNDS PaN Community scientists
Tomography Case Study

Kamel Madi presents: Tomography Case Study at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021).

Keywords: tomography, pid, doi, FAIR, large dataset, 3Dmagination, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Tomography Case Study Kamel Madi presents: Tomography Case Study at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021). tomography, pid, doi, FAIR, large dataset, 3Dmagination, wp5-ExPaNDS
Describe data by scripts for future reuse

Petr Čermák presents: Describe data by scripts for future reuse at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021).

Keywords: metadata, open data, FAIR, figshare, binder, data processing, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Describe data by scripts for future reuse Petr Čermák presents: Describe data by scripts for future reuse at the 2nd PaNOSC and ExPaNDS PaN EOSC Symposium (October 2021). metadata, open data, FAIR, figshare, binder, data processing, wp5-ExPaNDS
Photon & Neutron EOSC Symposium (November 2020)

Recording of the "Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium" that happened on November 9th 2020.

Keywords: expands, EOSC, PaNOSC, FAIR, CXIDB, symposium

Resource type: video

Photon & Neutron EOSC Symposium (November 2020) Recording of the "Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium" that happened on November 9th 2020. expands, EOSC, PaNOSC, FAIR, CXIDB, symposium PaN Community ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
Draft recommendations for FAIR Photon and Neutron Data Management

ExPaNDS WP2 has the objective of Enabling FAIR Data, providing guidelines, recommendation and practical experience to the project and the wider PaN community on the best practise in generating FAIR experimental data for National RIs. In order for the facility to deliver experimental data “FAIR at...

Keywords: FAIR, metadata, expands, experimental lifecycle, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: Document

Draft recommendations for FAIR Photon and Neutron Data Management ExPaNDS WP2 has the objective of Enabling FAIR Data, providing guidelines, recommendation and practical experience to the project and the wider PaN community on the best practise in generating FAIR experimental data for National RIs. In order for the facility to deliver experimental data “FAIR at the point of leaving the facility”, the infrastructure systems and procedures involved in the facilities experimental lifecycle should be coordinated to construct and maintain the FAIRness of that data. In particular, at each stage in the experimental lifecycle, metadata and contextual information should be collected (automatically and manually) to form as complete a record as possible of the experiment so that that data can be FAIR. In this report, we give an analysis of the metadata that should be generated and recorded at each stage of the lifecycle and consider its contribution to making that data FAIR. This delivers a prioritization which we use to determine which metadata should be collected. We use that prioritization to make a series of recommendations on the types of metadata that should be collected at each stage. These recommendations give a framework for setting standards for common metadata formats and provide a basis for assessing the FAIRness of data generated by facilities. Further work will develop these draft recommendations into our final recommendations for common metadata formats and use of metadata in practice. FAIR, metadata, expands, experimental lifecycle, wp2-ExPaNDS PaN Community ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
Develop common rules and best practices between national RI’s and harmonize the provision of the EOSC services

Slides (and other resources) of the presentations done at this workshop. How is ExPaNDS delivering its data services to PaNOSC and EOSC? - Day 1. Data catalogues: getting our open datasets harvested by the community - Day 2. Data analysis: getting our software in the PaN software...

Keywords: expands, workshop, SciCat, ICAT, B2FIND, OpenAIRE, EOSC, OAI-PMH, data catalogue, wp1-ExPaNDS

Develop common rules and best practices between national RI’s and harmonize the provision of the EOSC services Slides (and other resources) of the presentations done at this workshop. How is ExPaNDS delivering its data services to PaNOSC and EOSC? - Day 1. Data catalogues: getting our open datasets harvested by the community - Day 2. Data analysis: getting our software in the PaN software catalogue, getting pipelines to run, ensuring their quality over time expands, workshop, SciCat, ICAT, B2FIND, OpenAIRE, EOSC, OAI-PMH, data catalogue, wp1-ExPaNDS PaN Community ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
Metadata Catalogue Release

Self-contained, stand-alone metadata catalogue release that facilities can download to test/try and play with.

Keywords: ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, data catalogue, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS

Resource type: docker, docker-compose, software, git

Metadata Catalogue Release Self-contained, stand-alone metadata catalogue release that facilities can download to test/try and play with. ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, data catalogue, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS PaN Community ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members engineers research data engineer
ExPaNDS mapping dcat ontology and Nexus

Different communities have developed their terminology and are maintaining their metadata schemata or lists of vocabulary. In order to facilitate sharing of data across communities and allow collaboration between heterogeneous systems, interoperability of these vocabularies is required. In ...

Keywords: expands, ontology, mapping, NeXus, DCAT, semantic integration, wp3-ExPaNDS

Resource type: git, tool

ExPaNDS mapping dcat ontology and Nexus Different communities have developed their terminology and are maintaining their metadata schemata or lists of vocabulary. In order to facilitate sharing of data across communities and allow collaboration between heterogeneous systems, interoperability of these vocabularies is required. In order to increase data interoperability and enable data integration, these vocabularies need to be semantically integrated with other vocabularies and their terms have to be aligned. This enables the development of a common shared vocabulary. expands, ontology, mapping, NeXus, DCAT, semantic integration, wp3-ExPaNDS PaN Community
ExPaNDS NeXusOntology

NeXusOntology: Machine-readable ontology of the NeXus definitions. The published ontology describes the NeXus standard, it does not define the standard. This ontology extracts information about NeXus classes and fields from NeXus nxdl definition files on the NeXus GitHub site. This...

Keywords: NeXus, ontology, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS

Resource type: git, tool

ExPaNDS NeXusOntology NeXusOntology: Machine-readable ontology of the NeXus definitions. The published ontology describes the NeXus standard, it does not define the standard. This ontology extracts information about NeXus classes and fields from NeXus nxdl definition files on the NeXus GitHub site. This project was undertaken under ExPaNDS WP3.2. The ontology is designed to fulfil several purposes. First, it creates unique identifiers for each of the NeXus fields which would normally exist only within the namespaces of the defining NeXus classes. This is the primary goal and provides PIDs for annotation and tagging. The second purpose is to allow, via separate ontologies, NeXus fields and classes to be mapped onto equivalent or related terms defined elsewhere. Finally, we hope that this ontology, when used with a tool such as Protege, will provide a useful 'NeXus Explorer' tool to gain a quick overview of NeXus with links to official NeXus documentation. NeXus, ontology, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS PaN Community
ExPaNDS Photon and Neutron Experimental Techniques (PaNET) ontology

The Photon and Neutron Experimental Technique (PaNET) ontology provides a taxonomy of experimental techniques relevant for the Photon and Neutron (PaN) community. This ontology is being developed as part of the Work Package 3 on EOSC Data Catalogue Services for PaN national Research...

Keywords: panet, expands, ontology, experimental techniques, wp3-ExPaNDS

Resource type: git, tool

ExPaNDS Photon and Neutron Experimental Techniques (PaNET) ontology The Photon and Neutron Experimental Technique (PaNET) ontology provides a taxonomy of experimental techniques relevant for the Photon and Neutron (PaN) community. This ontology is being developed as part of the Work Package 3 on EOSC Data Catalogue Services for PaN national Research Infrastructures of the ExPaNDS project. The ontology allows to add semantic tags to datasets, and other related research objects, to indicate the experimental technique(s) that was (or were) used to create them. panet, expands, ontology, experimental techniques, wp3-ExPaNDS PaN Community
ExPaNDS Promotional Video

ExPaNDS making data available.

Keywords: expands, FAIR, open data, EOSC, wp6-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video

ExPaNDS Promotional Video ExPaNDS making data available. expands, FAIR, open data, EOSC, wp6-ExPaNDS general public
ExPaNDS D3.2: Ontologies v1.0

We present ontologies for the domain of photon and neutron (PaN) science. With the primary goal of supporting PaN FAIR data catalogue services, we have developed three ontologies: PaN experimental techniques (PaNET), an ontology of NeXus definitions (NeXusOntology), and a semantic integration...

Keywords: expands, ontology, EOSC, Photon science, experimental techniques, Neutron science, deliverable, D3.2, wp3-ExPaNDS

Resource type: Document

ExPaNDS D3.2: Ontologies v1.0 We present ontologies for the domain of photon and neutron (PaN) science. With the primary goal of supporting PaN FAIR data catalogue services, we have developed three ontologies: PaN experimental techniques (PaNET), an ontology of NeXus definitions (NeXusOntology), and a semantic integration ontology for the PaN domain (PaNmapping). The ontologies are presented as initial versions, supported by community development workflows. The work represents deliverable D3.2 of the Horizon 2020 ExPaNDS project. expands, ontology, EOSC, Photon science, experimental techniques, Neutron science, deliverable, D3.2, wp3-ExPaNDS
ExPaNDS D5.4 : PaN Training Catalogue Demo Video

Demo video demonstrating the concept and the features of the PaN Training Catalogue as part of ExPaNDS Deliverable 5.4

Keywords: catalogue, expands, deliverable, wp5-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video

ExPaNDS D5.4 : PaN Training Catalogue Demo Video Demo video demonstrating the concept and the features of the PaN Training Catalogue as part of ExPaNDS Deliverable 5.4 catalogue, expands, deliverable, wp5-ExPaNDS
ExPaNDS D2.3: Final data policy framework for Photon and Neutron RIs

ExPaNDS deliverable D2.3: Final data policy framework for photon and neutron RIs, considers how data policies for research infrastructures providing photon and neutron facilities should be framed, in particular in the light of supporting open science and FAIR data. It builds on and revises the...

Keywords: expands, data policy, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: Document

ExPaNDS D2.3: Final data policy framework for Photon and Neutron RIs ExPaNDS deliverable D2.3: Final data policy framework for photon and neutron RIs, considers how data policies for research infrastructures providing photon and neutron facilities should be framed, in particular in the light of supporting open science and FAIR data. It builds on and revises the initial policy framework presented in ExPaNDS deliverable D2.1: Draft extended data policy framework for photon and neutron RIs.To produce the final, revised version of our data policy framework, ExPaNDS undertook a series of detailed consultation meetings with all ten of our partner PaN RIs. Drawing extensively on quotes from the write ups of those conversations, this report presents the themes that emerged from the consultation, focusing especially on those that featured most often and most strongly.Based on the consultation feedback, we present a revised version of the ExPaNDS data policy framework, which now proposes 21 elements for RIs to consider when formulating data policy.Overall, the consultation provided an opportunity to engage deeply in discussion with ExPaNDS partners about data policy and policy making. The consultation feedback and the level of engagement with the consultation process itself highlight ExPaNDS partners’ strong interest in data policy. There is a clear recognition that having an appropriate data policy is fundamental to supporting good research data management. While some differing views exist, ExPaNDS partners express consensus on key fundamental aspects of the data policy framework, especially the importance of a high level commitment to FAIR data. There is also the strong recognition that flexibility in a data policy framework is vital to accommodating the diversity found across national PaN RIs.As well as incorporating the final version ExPaNDS data policy framework as a key output, our report concludes with two overarching points:Data policy diversity will remain across ExPaNDS partner facilitiesData policy is a powerful and important tool for national PaN RIs.It is clear from the consultation feedback that the ExPaNDS data policy framework is already having an impact on facilities’ plans for future work, especially around ensuring that key implementations are in place to support FAIR data. Further work within ExPaNDS, for example, around PIDs, metadata, and FAIR assessment, will provide guidance to support these activities. expands, data policy, wp2-ExPaNDS
Introduction to Soft X-ray Transmission and Emission Microscope, TwinMic at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste

Introduction to the TwinMic Beamline: Soft X-ray Transmission and Emission Microscope at the CERIC Italian partner facility, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste ---TwinMic beamline webpage in the CERIC website:...

Keywords: soft X-ray Microscopy, synchrotron, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, CERIC, synchrotron beamline, microscopy, electrochemistry, battery research, Heritage Science, Elettra synchrotron, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, life sciences, microscope

Resource type: video

Introduction to Soft X-ray Transmission and Emission Microscope, TwinMic at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste Introduction to the TwinMic Beamline: Soft X-ray Transmission and Emission Microscope at the CERIC Italian partner facility, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste ---TwinMic beamline webpage in the CERIC website: ---TwinMic beamline webpage in the Elettra website: soft X-ray Microscopy, synchrotron, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, CERIC, synchrotron beamline, microscopy, electrochemistry, battery research, Heritage Science, Elettra synchrotron, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, life sciences, microscope researchers scientists PhD students chemists physicists biologists
Introduction to High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) at NIMP

Introduction, by Corneliu Ghica and Mariana Stefan, to High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) at the National Institute of Materials Physics in Magurele, Romania HRTEM webpage:...

Keywords: High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM), Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR), CERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, National Institute of Materials Physics, life sciences, Materials Science, Heritage Science, astrobiology, biomedical nanomaterials, radiation detection, radiation conversion, semiconductors, insulating materials

Resource type: video

Introduction to High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) at NIMP Introduction, by Corneliu Ghica and Mariana Stefan, to High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) at the National Institute of Materials Physics in Magurele, Romania HRTEM webpage: EPR webpage: High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM), Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR), CERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, National Institute of Materials Physics, life sciences, Materials Science, Heritage Science, astrobiology, biomedical nanomaterials, radiation detection, radiation conversion, semiconductors, insulating materials researchers scientists PhD students physicists material scientists
Introduction to solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) at the Slovenian NMR Centre

Introduction to Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) at the CERIC Slovenian partner facility, the Slovenian NMR Centre at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana by Gregor Mali and Andraž Krajnc Link to related NMR webpages:...

Keywords: Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR, life sciences, battery research, pharmaceutical research, NMR spectra, NMR spectroscopy, Slovenian NMR Centre, CERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium

Resource type: video

Introduction to solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) at the Slovenian NMR Centre Introduction to Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) at the CERIC Slovenian partner facility, the Slovenian NMR Centre at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana by Gregor Mali and Andraž Krajnc Link to related NMR webpages: Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR, life sciences, battery research, pharmaceutical research, NMR spectra, NMR spectroscopy, Slovenian NMR Centre, CERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium researchers scientists PhD students researchers in energy materials chemists
Introduction to Liquid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

Introduction to Liquid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) at the CERIC Slovenian partner facility, the Slovenian NMR Centre at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana To get more insights on NMR spectroscopy, watch also the video on Solid-state NMR at:

Keywords: Liquid-state NMR, NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, life sciences, COVID research, nucleic acids research, biochemistry, drug development

Resource type: video

Introduction to Liquid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Introduction to Liquid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) at the CERIC Slovenian partner facility, the Slovenian NMR Centre at the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana To get more insights on NMR spectroscopy, watch also the video on Solid-state NMR at: Liquid-state NMR, NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, life sciences, COVID research, nucleic acids research, biochemistry, drug development scientists researchers PhD students biochemists chemists
Neutron Diffractometer with a Position Sensitive Detector (PSD) at BNC

Introduction by Margit Fabian, to the Neutron Diffractometer with a Position Sensitive Detector (PSD) at the the CERIC Hungarian partner facility, the Budapest Neutron Centre of the Centre for Energy Research (EK) PSD webpage:...

Keywords: Budapest Neutron Centre, Centre for Energy Research, Neutron Diffractometer with Position Sensitive Detector, neutron research, neutron diffractometry, optical medicine, radioactive waste stabilization, laser development, human bone regeneration, battery research, solid-state batteries, neutron powder diffraction

Resource type: video

Neutron Diffractometer with a Position Sensitive Detector (PSD) at BNC Introduction by Margit Fabian, to the Neutron Diffractometer with a Position Sensitive Detector (PSD) at the the CERIC Hungarian partner facility, the Budapest Neutron Centre of the Centre for Energy Research (EK) PSD webpage: Budapest Neutron Centre, Centre for Energy Research, Neutron Diffractometer with Position Sensitive Detector, neutron research, neutron diffractometry, optical medicine, radioactive waste stabilization, laser development, human bone regeneration, battery research, solid-state batteries, neutron powder diffraction scientists researchers PhD students researchers in energy materials
Introduction to Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy - ARPES Beamline at the SOLARIS synchrotron

Introduction to the ARPES Beamline by Prof. Jacek J. Kolodziej and Natalia Olszowska: Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy at the CERIC Polish partner facility, the National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS in Krakow, Poland ARPES webpage:...

Keywords: photoemission spectroscopy, Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, superconducotrs, semiconductors, graphene research, 2D materials, topological insulators

Resource type: video

Introduction to Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy - ARPES Beamline at the SOLARIS synchrotron Introduction to the ARPES Beamline by Prof. Jacek J. Kolodziej and Natalia Olszowska: Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy at the CERIC Polish partner facility, the National Synchrotron Radiation Centre SOLARIS in Krakow, Poland ARPES webpage: photoemission spectroscopy, Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, superconducotrs, semiconductors, graphene research, 2D materials, topological insulators scientists researchers Materials scientists PhD students
Introduction to Small-Angle X-ray Scattering - SAXS beamline at the TUGraz Outstation at the Elettra synchrotron

Introduction to the SAXS Beamline by Heinz Amenitsch and Barbara Sartori: : Small-Angle X-ray Scattering at the CERIC Austrian partner facility of the Graz University of Technology at the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste, Italy Link to SAXS webpage:...

Keywords: Small-Angle X-ray scattering, Materials Science, COVID research, life sciences, drug delivery, surface science

Resource type: video

Introduction to Small-Angle X-ray Scattering - SAXS beamline at the TUGraz Outstation at the Elettra synchrotron Introduction to the SAXS Beamline by Heinz Amenitsch and Barbara Sartori: : Small-Angle X-ray Scattering at the CERIC Austrian partner facility of the Graz University of Technology at the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste, Italy Link to SAXS webpage: Small-Angle X-ray scattering, Materials Science, COVID research, life sciences, drug delivery, surface science scientists researchers Materials scientists biologists chemists life scientists
Introduction to SANS: Small Angle Neutron Scattering at BNC

Introduction to SANS Introduction to SANS by Adél Len and László Almásy: Small Angle Neutron Scattering at the CERIC Hungarian partner facility, the Budapest Neutron Centre of the Centre for Energy Research (EK) Link to SANS webpage:...

Keywords: neutron scattering, Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Materials Science, drug delivery, Heritage Science, pharmaceutical research

Resource type: video

Introduction to SANS: Small Angle Neutron Scattering at BNC Introduction to SANS Introduction to SANS by Adél Len and László Almásy: Small Angle Neutron Scattering at the CERIC Hungarian partner facility, the Budapest Neutron Centre of the Centre for Energy Research (EK) Link to SANS webpage: neutron scattering, Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Materials Science, drug delivery, Heritage Science, pharmaceutical research scientists researchers archaeologist biologists Materials scientists