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49 materials found

Resource type: lesson  or Moodle course 

Training Workflow on Terahertz Spectroscopy at TELBE

The radiation source ELBE (Electron Linac for beams with high Brilliance and low Emittance) at the Helmholtz Centre Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR) can produce several kinds of secondary radiations. THz radiation is one of them and can be used with a typical pulse frequency of 100 kHz as a stimulation...

Scientific topics: spectroscopy, THz photon probe

Keywords: terahertz, Higgs, dataset, data analysis, spectroscopy, FAIR, training, TELBE, photon, metadata, TELBE

Resource type: lesson, workflow, training

Training Workflow on Terahertz Spectroscopy at TELBE The radiation source ELBE (Electron Linac for beams with high Brilliance and low Emittance) at the Helmholtz Centre Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR) can produce several kinds of secondary radiations. THz radiation is one of them and can be used with a typical pulse frequency of 100 kHz as a stimulation source for elementary low-energy degrees of freedom in matter. In this training workflow brings together background information of the experiment, the facility used, as well as the processing techniques and steps to understand the data generated by the experiment: * The open accessible dataset * The software * Services to execute the analysis spectroscopy THz photon probe terahertz, Higgs, dataset, data analysis, spectroscopy, FAIR, training, TELBE, photon, metadata, TELBE PaN Community beamline users graduate students
PaNOSC WP8 Summerschool 2022

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

PaNOSC WP8 Summerschool 2022 No short description available.
Muons in Chemistry

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Muons in Chemistry No short description available.
DTU course / X-ray and Neutron Experiments at International Research Facilities

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

DTU course / X-ray and Neutron Experiments at International Research Facilities No short description available.
Photosynthesis and Energy 2024

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Photosynthesis and Energy 2024 No short description available.
McStas and McXtrace online-session

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

McStas and McXtrace online-session No short description available.
DMSC - Instrument Scientists workshop (2022)

**If you have self enrolled onto the course please wait 5 minutes before launching the JupyterHub** Access the course by clicking on the  **JupyterHub**  link (bellow). Click  **Start My Server ** \>  **Start ** and your container will launch.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

DMSC - Instrument Scientists workshop (2022) **If you have self enrolled onto the course please wait 5 minutes before launching the JupyterHub** Access the course by clicking on the  **JupyterHub**  link (bellow). Click  **Start My Server ** \>  **Start ** and your container will launch.
Simulation of boron carbide diffraction with D2B

**Running wget inside notebook in JupyterHub.** It doesn't matter which working directory you start in (jovyan or jovyan/gitrepo\_simulation2b/wl\_scan\_on\_CB\_with\_D2B), wget fails to connect with github when command is run from the notebook: ``` Connecting to

Keywords: running wget inside notebook

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Simulation of boron carbide diffraction with D2B **Running wget inside notebook in JupyterHub.** It doesn't matter which working directory you start in (jovyan or jovyan/gitrepo\_simulation2b/wl\_scan\_on\_CB\_with\_D2B), wget fails to connect with github when command is run from the notebook: ``` Connecting to (||:443... failed: No route to host. ``` ![]( If however you open a terminal window and run the same command, there is no issue. You can then run the remaining commands including 'make' from within the notebook with no problems. ![]( If I run the same notebook in the same docker container on my computer however there are no issues. ![]( running wget inside notebook
SimEx (Simulating Experiments): Examples

SimEx is a program for simulating experiments at advanced laser and x-ray light sources. All aspects of a typical experiment can be modeled. This includes the photon source, light transport through optics, interaction with a target or sample, scattering from the latter, photon detection, and...

Keywords: io/en/latest/include/introduction

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

SimEx (Simulating Experiments): Examples SimEx is a program for simulating experiments at advanced laser and x-ray light sources. All aspects of a typical experiment can be modeled. This includes the photon source, light transport through optics, interaction with a target or sample, scattering from the latter, photon detection, and data analysis. A simulation can contain, one, several, or all of these parts. Documentation: []( Github: [ ]( Here you can have a go at using SimEx without local installation: 1. Launch **[JupyterHub]( "JupyterHub")** 2. Click **Start my server** 3. Select a notebook. Here is a list of notebooks available: **crl\_focus** - currently not working! **edge** **EuXFEL\_SASE1\_SPB\_KBfocus** - currently not working! **propagation\_example\_01** **propagation\_example\_02** - currently not working! **spheres** - currently not working! **wire** io/en/latest/include/introduction
Simulating LoKi with McStas

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Simulating LoKi with McStas No short description available.
Introduction to Neutron Reflectometry Fitting

This course was originally developed by **[Andrew McCluskey](** from the **[European Spallation Source](** for the ISIS Virtual Reflectometry Training Course. The full course can be read as a online book at:...

Keywords: isis virtual reflectometry training

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Introduction to Neutron Reflectometry Fitting This course was originally developed by **[Andrew McCluskey](** from the **[European Spallation Source](** for the ISIS Virtual Reflectometry Training Course. The full course can be read as a online book at: [**\_school/intro.html**]( The files can found on GitHub at [**\_school**]( To run the course as interactive Jupyter notebooks here, click on the  **JupyterHub ** link and then **Start My Server If you have self enrolled onto the course please wait 5 minutes before launching the JupyterHub.** isis virtual reflectometry training
Introduction to Crispy

Crispy is a modern interface for calculating core-level spectra. It uses [Quanty]( for calculations and is written in python. Its primary use is as a sleek GUI that runs on your computer. However it can also be used like a python module within a Jupyter notebook. Here...

Keywords: fr/computing/scientific/crispy/github page

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Introduction to Crispy Crispy is a modern interface for calculating core-level spectra. It uses [Quanty]( for calculations and is written in python. Its primary use is as a sleek GUI that runs on your computer. However it can also be used like a python module within a Jupyter notebook. Here you can have a go at using Crispy without local installation: 1. Launch **JupyterHub** 2. Click **Start my server** 3. Select **0-first\_calculation.ipynb** Crispy Documentation: []( GitHub Page: []( fr/computing/scientific/crispy/github page
McStas Simulation of SANS2D

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

McStas Simulation of SANS2D No short description available.
Introduction to Oasys (Hercules 2022)

![oasys_logo]( Welcome to the Hercules 2022 Oasys tutorial written by Manuel Sanchez del Rio and Juan Reyes Herrera. The aim of this course is to learn the following: - Calculate main...

Keywords: hercules 2022 oasys tutorial written, manuel sanchez del rio,   mac os      windows os      linux os      dockerthis

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Introduction to Oasys (Hercules 2022) ![oasys_logo]( Welcome to the Hercules 2022 Oasys tutorial written by Manuel Sanchez del Rio and Juan Reyes Herrera. The aim of this course is to learn the following: - Calculate main characteristics of synchrotron source (Bending magnets and Insertion devices). - Calculate the heat-load on different beamline components. - Simulating beamline optics by ray-tracing to obtain main parameters of the beam, e. g., size and divergence, energy resolution, intensity/flux. - Understand basic principles of X-ray optics: Mirrors and Crystals. - Basic concepts about coherence. And it is split into four sections:  1. Introduction 2. Power Transport 3. Photon Transport 4. Coherence Transport Before going to the content, it is important to explain that you can use OASYS in two ways: 1. Install Oasys on your own laptop. Follow the instructions in the following links:  [Mac OS]( **      ** [Windows OS]( **      ** [Linux OS]( **      ** [Docker ]( This course needs the installation of the ESRF add-on in OASYS. Open OASYS and follow the "install as user" instructions[]([here]( 2. Login and get an account in: []( Once logged in (please use Chrome), you have to go to **Virtual Laboratory** and click on **My applications** , then click on [Start] of _ **SCITOOLBOX** _ application, and then click [next] and wait a few minutes (only the first time). When your session is open, open OASYS as shown below: ![]( **It is very important** to let us know if you want to use this second option in order to give you the necessary permissions to use the app. hercules 2022 oasys tutorial written, manuel sanchez del rio,   mac os      windows os      linux os      dockerthis
Muons in Semiconductors

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Muons in Semiconductors No short description available.
Python Workshop (IKON21)

**If you have self enrolled onto the course please wait 5 minutes before launching the JupyterHub** Access the course by clicking on the **JupyterHub** link. Click **Start My Server** \> **Start** and your container will launch. In the folder called **Notebooks** you will find the...

Keywords:   data analysis library pandas, -ikon/tree/master/notebooks

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Python Workshop (IKON21) **If you have self enrolled onto the course please wait 5 minutes before launching the JupyterHub** Access the course by clicking on the **JupyterHub** link. Click **Start My Server** \> **Start** and your container will launch. In the folder called **Notebooks** you will find the following: 1. **Jupyter basics: ** Jupyter notebook introduction. 2. **Python basics:  ** Basic language principles,  Sequence data types,  Control structures,  Working with functions,  Using modules,  Input and output,  Python 2 vs 3,  Python classes. 3. **Using external Libraries:  ** Scientific libraries numpy,  Plotting with matplotlib,  Ipywidgets,  Fitting scipy,  Data analysis library pandas,  Testing. 4. **Molecular visualization:  ** Visualization tutorial,  Atomistic simulation environment. 5. **McStas script** 6. **SCIPP** You can find a copy of the notebooks at []( _This course was created by the Data Reduction, Analysis and Modelling group of the ESS. This version of the course was specifically created for IKON21 in September 2021._   data analysis library pandas, -ikon/tree/master/notebooks
Creating your own course

If you only wish to create one course please email and we will create a blank course for you. We will assign you as teacher so you can have full control from there on. If you would like to be able to create your own blank courses you need to have 'Course Creator'...

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Creating your own course If you only wish to create one course please email and we will create a blank course for you. We will assign you as teacher so you can have full control from there on. If you would like to be able to create your own blank courses you need to have 'Course Creator' privelages on Please email and we will upgrade your account.
Introduction to Neutron Reflectometry

An introductory course to Neutrons and their properties, as a foundational pre-requisite for Neutron Scattering and Reflectometry experimentation and theory. 

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Introduction to Neutron Reflectometry An introductory course to Neutrons and their properties, as a foundational pre-requisite for Neutron Scattering and Reflectometry experimentation and theory. 
Muons in Superconductivity

Course image taken by Andrew Brookes. Course created by **Amanda Martinez Rodriguez** We will learn with Pabitra Biswas what a [superconductor]( is, how we measure [magnetic fields](,...

Keywords: extract key length scales

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Muons in Superconductivity Course image taken by Andrew Brookes. Course created by **Amanda Martinez Rodriguez** We will learn with Pabitra Biswas what a [superconductor]( is, how we measure [magnetic fields](, extract key length scales ([vortex lattice](, see how the measurement works, what kind of data you get, and gain an overview of how to understand the new physics. extract key length scales
Illumidesk: Python Course

This course has the notebooks from the first four chapters of the IKON python course: 1. Jupyter basics: Jupyter notebook introduction. 2. Python basics:  Basic language principles,  Sequence data types,  Control structures,  Working with functions,  Using modules,  Input and output,  Python...

Keywords:   sequence data types,   data analysis library pandas

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Illumidesk: Python Course This course has the notebooks from the first four chapters of the IKON python course: 1. Jupyter basics: Jupyter notebook introduction. 2. Python basics:  Basic language principles,  Sequence data types,  Control structures,  Working with functions,  Using modules,  Input and output,  Python 2 vs 3,  Python classes. 3. Using external Libraries:  Scientific libraries numpy,  Plotting with matplotlib,  Ipywidgets,  Fitting scipy,  Data analysis library pandas,  Testing. 4. Molecular visualization:  Visualization tutorial,  Atomistic simulation environment. To access click on Illumidesk →Start My Server → Assignments →pythoncourse (drop down menu) → fetch Any notebooks you fetch will be visible on your illumidesk files tab. Do not submit the notebooks for feedback.   sequence data types,   data analysis library pandas
Collection of photon science slides

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Collection of photon science slides No short description available.
Muons in Magnetism

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Muons in Magnetism No short description available.
Introduction to small angle scattering

**Link to SasView moodle course on** []( **SANS simulation tool with McStas** [ ...

Keywords: id=19 sans simulation tool, sanssimplespheres pan-learning wiki pagehttps, _a_small_angle_neutron_scattering_instrument ill youtube videowww, uwe keiderling - berlin neutron scattering schoolmartin müller - hercules 2016frank gabel - hercules 2016marianne liebi - hercules 2016, paolo mariani - sisn 2015francesco spinozzi - sisn 2015leonardo chiappisi - bilbao neutron scattering school 2019adel len - cets 2019g, pépy - cets 2019wim bouwman - erice 2017, markus strobl - erice 2017

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Introduction to small angle scattering **Link to SasView moodle course on** []( **SANS simulation tool with McStas** [ ]( the same login details as for [ ]( are currently two instruments: SANSsimple and SANSsimpleSpheres **PaN-learning wiki page** [\_angle\_neutron\_scattering,\_SANS ](,_SANS)[\_of\_all\_exercises#Exercises\_in\_Small\_angle\_neutron\_scattering]( [\_project\_SANS-2:\_A\_small\_angle\_neutron\_scattering\_instrument]( **ILL youtube video** []( There are also a set of animations for part of a SANS instrument, one of which is []( **Slides from lectures by:** Uwe Keiderling - Berlin neutron scattering school Martin Müller - Hercules 2016 Frank Gabel - Hercules 2016 Marianne Liebi - Hercules 2016 (SAXS) Paolo Mariani - SISN 2015 Francesco Spinozzi - SISN 2015 Leonardo Chiappisi - Bilbao neutron scattering school 2019 Adel Len - CETS 2019 G. Pépy - CETS 2019 Wim Bouwman - Erice 2017 (SESANS) Markus Strobl - Erice 2017 (SEMSANS) The following sections were pulled from existing courses on id=19 sans simulation tool, sanssimplespheres pan-learning wiki pagehttps, _a_small_angle_neutron_scattering_instrument ill youtube videowww, uwe keiderling - berlin neutron scattering schoolmartin müller - hercules 2016frank gabel - hercules 2016marianne liebi - hercules 2016, paolo mariani - sisn 2015francesco spinozzi - sisn 2015leonardo chiappisi - bilbao neutron scattering school 2019adel len - cets 2019g, pépy - cets 2019wim bouwman - erice 2017, markus strobl - erice 2017
Highness JupyterHub

No short description available.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Highness JupyterHub No short description available.
Introduction to SANS

This course is split into two sections: - Theoretical background to SANS - Case study of nanodisks using the LOKI instrument **Useful links:** [SasView course]( [Wiki page on SANS ...

Keywords: sans case study, sans wiki simulation project, mcstas simulation tool

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Introduction to SANS This course is split into two sections: - Theoretical background to SANS - Case study of nanodisks using the LOKI instrument **Useful links:** [SasView course]( [Wiki page on SANS ](,_SANS)[Wiki problems (exercises with solutions) on SANS]( [Wiki simulation project (based on SANS-2 at PSI) ]([McStas Simulation Tool:]( Use the same login details as for There are currently two instruments: SANSsimple and SANSsimpleSpheres Course photo courtesy of CERIC-EIRC sans case study, sans wiki simulation project, mcstas simulation tool
SasView: Analysis of SAS Data

Teacher: **Wojciech Potrzebowski** This course will demonstrate how to approach small-angle scattering (SAS) data analysis. In **Section 1** you will familiarise yourself with the basic use of SasView. In **Section 2** , you will  **analyse SAS test data** with SasView software and see the...

Keywords:   analyse sas test data,  - polydispersity - resolution - interparticle interaction

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

SasView: Analysis of SAS Data Teacher: **Wojciech Potrzebowski** This course will demonstrate how to approach small-angle scattering (SAS) data analysis. In **Section 1** you will familiarise yourself with the basic use of SasView. In **Section 2** , you will  **analyse SAS test data** with SasView software and see the effects of:  - Polydispersity  - Resolution  - Interparticle interaction. **Section 3 and 4** are optional and will lead you through simultaneous fitting and \[P(r) \] analysis. Software for this session: **SasView 5.0.5.** General introduction to SasView: [\_wdlPnQ](   analyse sas test data,  - polydispersity - resolution - interparticle interaction
SasView for new contributors

Welcome to the course for new contributors to SasView! Before we divide into the details about setting up developers' environment and code architecture, there are sections providing more information about the general setup of the project

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

SasView for new contributors Welcome to the course for new contributors to SasView! Before we divide into the details about setting up developers' environment and code architecture, there are sections providing more information about the general setup of the project
Erik Knudsen's Course

Course on X-ray scattering at the DanMAX beamline of MAX IV.

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Erik Knudsen's Course Course on X-ray scattering at the DanMAX beamline of MAX IV.
Creating a Video Mini-Lecture

We recommend Open Broadcasting Software (OBS) as a great way to record yourself giving a presentation or lecture. It has more flexibility and results in a higher quality video than simply recording your screen on zoom/skype. It is easy to install and much easier to use than any video...

Keywords: recommend open broadcasting software, video editing software

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Creating a Video Mini-Lecture We recommend Open Broadcasting Software (OBS) as a great way to record yourself giving a presentation or lecture. It has more flexibility and results in a higher quality video than simply recording your screen on zoom/skype. It is easy to install and much easier to use than any video editing software. Use the following four resources to help you: 1. **Introduction to OBS** and how it can be used.  2. Tips for good **video layout** (this is useful regardless of whether you chose to use OBS). 3. Links to **OBS download instructions** for Mac, Windows & Linux. 4. How you could **include live annotations** or a blackboard style presentation with OBS ![]( Photos by [Jeremy Yap]( and [Science in HD]( on [Unsplash]( recommend open broadcasting software, video editing software
Including Jupyter Notebooks in your Course

Course image by [GustavoAckles]( from...

Keywords: analyse experimental data, virtually explore large scale facility instruments, - teach students data modelling, include common scientific python modules

Resource type: Moodle course, e-learning

Including Jupyter Notebooks in your Course Course image by [GustavoAckles]( from [Pixabay]( As a teacher, you can link a JupyterHub instance to your course that runs on our e-learning servers. The JupyterHub instance runs as a docker container that is launched when a student clicks on the link.  The container will clone your chosen github repository where you can edit and store Jupyter notebooks. Students will be able to open these Jupyter notebooks and execute them remotely. Crucially students do not require Jupyter to be installed on their computers or have prior knowledge of python.  Examples where this might be useful: - Show students how to **reduce** and **analyse** experimental data themselves using **python**. - Introduce students to **python modules** or **software** used in data reduction and analysis. - Allow students to **virtually explore** large scale facility instruments. For example by using **McStas** (neutron instrument simulator). - Teach students **data modelling** and **simulation** techniques that use **python**. **Requirements:** What the student will interact with must be in the form of a **Jupyter notebook**. Your notebooks must be on a public  **github repository**. Note that the **entire repository** you provide will be **cloned** not just selected notebooks. However it does not have to be the master branch. Our containers already include common scientific python modules such as numpy, matplotlib and ipython.  In addition we have containers with the following software installed: 1. McStas, McXtrace, SCIPP, SasVIew 2. Crispy 3. SimEx If you require a container with other software to be installed it is possible to have a custom container created. Please email for help.  **Useful Links:** - **[Jupyter notebooks](** - [**What is a docker container**?]( the **[wiki page](**) - [**Docker and Jupyterhub**]( If you wish to include a link to a Jupyterhub container for your course. Please fill the form: Information to set up your container Once you have filled in the form you will receive an email to let you know the JupyterHub link is being set up and any further instructions that are required. Please note it may take a few days to be up and running. analyse experimental data, virtually explore large scale facility instruments, - teach students data modelling, include common scientific python modules