17 materials found
Resource type:
Integrator documentation
Documentation for Integrator, a distributed azimuthal integration software used at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
Scientific topics: scattering technique, powder diffraction
Keywords: computation distribution, azimuthal integration, high-performance
Resource type: Document
Integrator documentation
Documentation for Integrator, a distributed azimuthal integration software used at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
scattering technique
powder diffraction
computation distribution, azimuthal integration, high-performance
Tomo-tools training
Training modules available for the different tomography tools at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
Scientific topics: tomography
Keywords: tomography
Resource type: Document
Tomo-tools training
Training modules available for the different tomography tools at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
Nabu documentation
Documentation for Nabu, a tomography software used at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
Scientific topics: tomography
Keywords: tomography, reconstruction, full-field, phase contrast, high-performance
Resource type: Document
Nabu documentation
Documentation for Nabu, a tomography software used at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
tomography, reconstruction, full-field, phase contrast, high-performance
Active DMPs for Photon and Neutron RIs
This deliverable envisions an integrated aDMP system which supports the (semi-)
automated generation of DMPs by maximising reuse of information generated during the
research life-cycle and also aiming to support the scientists and other stakeholders by
supporting information transfer....
Keywords: expands, wp2-ExPaNDS, DMP, data management plan, data management
Resource type: Document
Active DMPs for Photon and Neutron RIs
This deliverable envisions an integrated aDMP system which supports the (semi-)
automated generation of DMPs by maximising reuse of information generated during the
research life-cycle and also aiming to support the scientists and other stakeholders by
supporting information transfer. Therefore, a data model for aDMPs focusing on the
integration of information that exists before a proposal is submitted and its life-cycle
integration is introduced. It relates the data model also to the template created in PaNOSC.
expands, wp2-ExPaNDS, DMP, data management plan, data management
PaN Community
Self-evaluation Photon and Neutron RIs for FAIR data certification
This ExPaNDS project deliverable describes a FAIR self-assessment undertaken by the ten
ExPaNDS partner Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures (PaN RIs) over the
three-month period July – September 2022. After reviewing selected examples of existing
FAIR evaluation frameworks designed to...
Keywords: FAIR, metadata, expands, European Photon and Neutron facilities , wp2-ExPaNDS
Resource type: Document
Self-evaluation Photon and Neutron RIs for FAIR data certification
This ExPaNDS project deliverable describes a FAIR self-assessment undertaken by the ten
ExPaNDS partner Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures (PaN RIs) over the
three-month period July – September 2022. After reviewing selected examples of existing
FAIR evaluation frameworks designed to enable assessment at different levels (dataset,
repository, and organisation), the report describes the evaluation approach adopted for the
ExPaNDS FAIR self-assessment. As no existing framework met our specific need to focus
on FAIR workflows and processes in PaN RIs, it was necessary to select, combine, and
adapt existing frameworks. Supported by four underlying guiding principles, our approach
drew heavily on the FAIR Principles, the RDA FAIR Data Maturity Model, and FAIRsFAIR’s
CoreTrustSeal+FAIRenabling framework. Post-evaluation feedback from ExPaNDS partners
indicated that they found the FAIR self-assessment a useful and valuable exercise for
understanding current levels of FAIRness at their facilities and for articulating what
implementations they have in progress or planned to support FAIR in future. A key output of
the ExPaNDS FAIR evaluation is the collected self-assessment reports from the ten partner
facilities. These reports are published openly and in full as part of the deliverable. In addition,
the self-assessments are supplemented with some high-level observations on the state of
the FAIR journey across the ExPaNDS facilities.
FAIR, metadata, expands, European Photon and Neutron facilities , wp2-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
Final recommendations for FAIR Photon and Neutron Data Management
The present deliverable pursues the work initiated in ExPaNDS deliverable 2.2, which established a common metadata framework for FAIR data generated in Photon and Neutron (PaN) facilities. The modalities of implementation of this framework across facilities are examined and current practices and...
Keywords: expands, wp2-ExPaNDS, FAIR, data management
Resource type: Document
Final recommendations for FAIR Photon and Neutron Data Management
The present deliverable pursues the work initiated in ExPaNDS deliverable 2.2, which established a common metadata framework for FAIR data generated in Photon and Neutron (PaN) facilities. The modalities of implementation of this framework across facilities are examined and current practices and tools for metadata capture, storage and exposure are highlighted. This work is also the occasion to examine the commonalities of the framework with other initiatives developed inside and outside ExPaNDS such as the common search API, the data catalogues (ExPaNDS WP3), the EOSC discovery platforms B2FIND and OpenAire as well as the NeXus data format. It also provides the reader with guidelines on current tools and schemata available to record provenance and digital preservation information. The essence of these discussions is summarised as a list of practical recommendations at the end.
expands, wp2-ExPaNDS, FAIR, data management
PaN Community
Report on status, gap analysis and roadmap towards harmonised and federated metadata catalogues for EU national Photon and Neutron RIs
Report on status, gap analysis and roadmap towards harmonised and federated metadata catalogues for EU national Photon and Neutron RIs
Keywords: expands, D3.1, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: Document
Report on status, gap analysis and roadmap towards harmonised and federated metadata catalogues for EU national Photon and Neutron RIs
Report on status, gap analysis and roadmap towards harmonised and federated metadata catalogues for EU national Photon and Neutron RIs
expands, D3.1, wp3-ExPaNDS
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
Common search API definition
This document summarises the development of a common search API achieved in the PaNOSC Work Package 3. It explains the rationale behind the development and many of the decisions made as well as the general process that was followed.
Keywords: PaNOSC, expands, SciCat, ICAT, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: Document
Common search API definition
This document summarises the development of a common search API achieved in the PaNOSC Work Package 3. It explains the rationale behind the development and many of the decisions made as well as the general process that was followed.
PaNOSC, expands, SciCat, ICAT, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
research data engineer
data managers
data curator
ExPaNDS Guidance Note: Key Policy Elements within a Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructure Data Policy Framework (revised - final version)
The text of this ExPaNDS Guidance Note is extracted from ExPaNDS deliverable [D2.3: Final data policy framework for Photon and Neutron RIs](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5205824). The Guidance Note covers the 21 elements that comprise the final version of the ExPaNDS data policy framework. These...
Keywords: data policy, expands, FAIR, wp2-ExPaNDS
Resource type: Document
ExPaNDS Guidance Note: Key Policy Elements within a Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructure Data Policy Framework (revised - final version)
The text of this ExPaNDS Guidance Note is extracted from ExPaNDS deliverable [D2.3: Final data policy framework for Photon and Neutron RIs](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5205824). The Guidance Note covers the 21 elements that comprise the final version of the ExPaNDS data policy framework. These elements fall under nine broad themes:
1. General drivers and principles
2. Roles and responsibilities
3. Scope
4. Enabling FAIR data
5. Necessary restrictions to data sharing
6. Availability of infrastructure and responsibility for costs
7. Data management planning requirements
8. Recognition and reward for data usage
9. Reporting requirements, compliance monitoring, and any possible sanctions
The Guidance Note is intended as a short-form, ready-access tool for policy makers working on data policy within Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures. For additional context around the development of the ExPaNDS data policy framework, see the D2.3 deliverable and its earlier, draft version [D2.1: Draft extended data policy framework for photon and neutron RIs](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4014811).
data policy, expands, FAIR, wp2-ExPaNDS
Learning pack: The synchrotron and its lights
The machine and beamlines, optical devices, magnetism vacuum and information about the analytic techniques applied on a synchrotron and through examples of studies carried out at the synchrotron SOLEIL.
Scientific topics: extended x-ray absorption fine structure, absorption spectroscopy
Keywords: synchrotron, optics, monochromators, magnetic fields, ultra-high vacuum, applications, xanes & exafs
Resource type: Document
Learning pack: The synchrotron and its lights
The machine and beamlines, optical devices, magnetism vacuum and information about the analytic techniques applied on a synchrotron and through examples of studies carried out at the synchrotron SOLEIL.
extended x-ray absorption fine structure
absorption spectroscopy
synchrotron, optics, monochromators, magnetic fields, ultra-high vacuum, applications, xanes & exafs
general public
masters students
Synchrotron SOLEIL’s contribution to What’s on our plates
Synchrotron SOLEIL contributes to improving the safety of food, as well as its nutritional and organoleptic qualities, notably through a strong partnership with INRAe, and by hosting researchers from major institutes and schools in the agri-food sector.
With a focus on...
• Food safety &...
Keywords: combined analysis techniques, food safety, allergens, astringency
Resource type: Document
Synchrotron SOLEIL’s contribution to What’s on our plates
Synchrotron SOLEIL contributes to improving the safety of food, as well as its nutritional and organoleptic qualities, notably through a strong partnership with INRAe, and by hosting researchers from major institutes and schools in the agri-food sector.
With a focus on...
• Food safety & allergies – Do we really know what’s on our plates?
• Milk & dairy products - Maintaining their nutritional qualities and understanding their assimilation by the body.
• Fried foods, meat and foie gras - Reducing caloric intake, optimizing cooking processes.
• The mouthfeel of astringency - Deciphering the mechanisms underlying food flavor.
combined analysis techniques, food safety, allergens, astringency
beamline users
Synchrotron SOLEIL’s contribution to Medical Diagnosis and Prognosis
In close collaboration with hospitals, Synchrotron SOLEIL takes part in the design of new methods to diagnose diseases at an early stage and seeks to better understand the evolution of pathologies. Its long-term goal is to develop more adapted treatments, while reducing health expenditures.
Keywords: detection sensitivity, health, diseases, combined analysis techniques
Resource type: Document
Synchrotron SOLEIL’s contribution to Medical Diagnosis and Prognosis
In close collaboration with hospitals, Synchrotron SOLEIL takes part in the design of new methods to diagnose diseases at an early stage and seeks to better understand the evolution of pathologies. Its long-term goal is to develop more adapted treatments, while reducing health expenditures.
With a focus on...
• Kidney stones - Understanding how they develop, finding new diagnostic tools, and treating the disease to avoid dialysis and kidney transplant.
• Hepatic steatosis - When fat builds up in the liver - Diagnosing steatosis at an early stage. Understanding the evolution of the disease at the cell level. Determining the quality of a liver transplant before transplantation.
• Brain tumors - Providing surgeons with real-time diagnosis during tumor removal. Preserving the most important areas of the brain. Improving the survival rate and quality of life of patients who have undergone surgery.
• Wilson disease - Being able to formulate a reliable diagnosis of the disease. Proposing an efficient, simple technique for that diagnosis.
detection sensitivity, health, diseases, combined analysis techniques
beamline users
Synchrotron SOLEIL’s contribution to Quantum Materials
Thanks to its cutting-edge instruments, Synchrotron SOLEIL contributes to the understanding of the phenomena at the origin of exceptional properties and, ultimately, to improving the performance of quantum materials for potential applications. In addition to this fundamental research, these...
Keywords: quantum materials, information storage, quantum topology, superconductivity, quantum computer
Resource type: Document
Synchrotron SOLEIL’s contribution to Quantum Materials
Thanks to its cutting-edge instruments, Synchrotron SOLEIL contributes to the understanding of the phenomena at the origin of exceptional properties and, ultimately, to improving the performance of quantum materials for potential applications. In addition to this fundamental research, these materials are also analysed at the request of industrial researchers.
With a focus on…
• Information Storage - Increase storage density, reduce energy consumption;
• 2D quantum materials, for tomorrow’s electronics;
• Transporting energy without loss;
• Quantum Topology - Cup, donut and (among others) quantum computer.
quantum materials, information storage, quantum topology, superconductivity, quantum computer
beamline users
Synchrotron SOLEIL’s contribution to Astrophysics & Astrochemistry
Synchrotron SOLEIL contributes to the identification and study of the electronic and molecular structure of extraterrestrial material, by reproducing reactions naturally generated by the radiation of our Sun and other stars, and by deciphering the chemical reactions that occur in planetary...
Keywords: astrophysics, astrochemistry, cosmic dust, molecules of life , Titan
Resource type: Document
Synchrotron SOLEIL’s contribution to Astrophysics & Astrochemistry
Synchrotron SOLEIL contributes to the identification and study of the electronic and molecular structure of extraterrestrial material, by reproducing reactions naturally generated by the radiation of our Sun and other stars, and by deciphering the chemical reactions that occur in planetary atmospheres and in interstellar space.
With a focus on...
• Helping to decipher signals of molecules in space.
• Cosmic dust, sources of knowledge.
• Reproducing astrophysical environments, to better understand them
• The molecules of life – delivered from space?
astrophysics, astrochemistry, cosmic dust, molecules of life , Titan
beamline users
Draft recommendations for FAIR Photon and Neutron Data Management
ExPaNDS WP2 has the objective of Enabling FAIR Data, providing guidelines, recommendation and practical experience to the project and the wider PaN community on the best practise in generating FAIR experimental data for National RIs. In order for the facility to deliver experimental data “FAIR at...
Keywords: FAIR, metadata, expands, experimental lifecycle, wp2-ExPaNDS
Resource type: Document
Draft recommendations for FAIR Photon and Neutron Data Management
ExPaNDS WP2 has the objective of Enabling FAIR Data, providing guidelines, recommendation and practical experience to the project and the wider PaN community on the best practise in generating FAIR experimental data for National RIs. In order for the facility to deliver experimental data “FAIR at the point of leaving the facility”, the infrastructure systems and procedures involved in the facilities experimental lifecycle should be coordinated to construct and maintain the FAIRness of that data. In particular, at each stage in the experimental lifecycle, metadata and contextual information should be collected (automatically and manually) to form as complete a record as possible of the experiment so that that data can be FAIR.
In this report, we give an analysis of the metadata that should be generated and recorded at each stage of the lifecycle and consider its contribution to making that data FAIR. This delivers a prioritization which we use to determine which metadata should be collected. We use that prioritization to make a series of recommendations on the types of metadata that should be collected at each stage. These recommendations give a framework for setting standards for common metadata formats and provide a basis for assessing the FAIRness of data generated by facilities. Further work will develop these draft recommendations into our final recommendations for common metadata formats and use of metadata in practice.
FAIR, metadata, expands, experimental lifecycle, wp2-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
ExPaNDS D3.2: Ontologies v1.0
We present ontologies for the domain of photon and neutron (PaN) science. With the primary goal of supporting PaN FAIR data catalogue services, we have developed three ontologies: PaN experimental techniques (PaNET), an ontology of NeXus definitions (NeXusOntology), and a semantic integration...
Keywords: expands, ontology, EOSC, Photon science, experimental techniques, Neutron science, deliverable, D3.2, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: Document
ExPaNDS D3.2: Ontologies v1.0
We present ontologies for the domain of photon and neutron (PaN) science. With the primary goal of supporting PaN FAIR data catalogue services, we have developed three ontologies: PaN experimental techniques (PaNET), an ontology of NeXus definitions (NeXusOntology), and a semantic integration ontology for the PaN domain (PaNmapping). The ontologies are presented as initial versions, supported by community development workflows. The work represents deliverable D3.2 of the Horizon 2020 ExPaNDS project.
expands, ontology, EOSC, Photon science, experimental techniques, Neutron science, deliverable, D3.2, wp3-ExPaNDS
ExPaNDS D2.3: Final data policy framework for Photon and Neutron RIs
ExPaNDS deliverable D2.3: Final data policy framework for photon and neutron RIs, considers how data policies for research infrastructures providing photon and neutron facilities should be framed, in particular in the light of supporting open science and FAIR data. It builds on and revises the...
Keywords: expands, data policy, wp2-ExPaNDS
Resource type: Document
ExPaNDS D2.3: Final data policy framework for Photon and Neutron RIs
ExPaNDS deliverable D2.3: Final data policy framework for photon and neutron RIs, considers how data policies for research infrastructures providing photon and neutron facilities should be framed, in particular in the light of supporting open science and FAIR data. It builds on and revises the initial policy framework presented in ExPaNDS deliverable D2.1: Draft extended data policy framework for photon and neutron RIs.To produce the final, revised version of our data policy framework, ExPaNDS undertook a series of detailed consultation meetings with all ten of our partner PaN RIs. Drawing extensively on quotes from the write ups of those conversations, this report presents the themes that emerged from the consultation, focusing especially on those that featured most often and most strongly.Based on the consultation feedback, we present a revised version of the ExPaNDS data policy framework, which now proposes 21 elements for RIs to consider when formulating data policy.Overall, the consultation provided an opportunity to engage deeply in discussion with ExPaNDS partners about data policy and policy making. The consultation feedback and the level of engagement with the consultation process itself highlight ExPaNDS partners’ strong interest in data policy. There is a clear recognition that having an appropriate data policy is fundamental to supporting good research data management. While some differing views exist, ExPaNDS partners express consensus on key fundamental aspects of the data policy framework, especially the importance of a high level commitment to FAIR data. There is also the strong recognition that flexibility in a data policy framework is vital to accommodating the diversity found across national PaN RIs.As well as incorporating the final version ExPaNDS data policy framework as a key output, our report concludes with two overarching points:Data policy diversity will remain across ExPaNDS partner facilitiesData policy is a powerful and important tool for national PaN RIs.It is clear from the consultation feedback that the ExPaNDS data policy framework is already having an impact on facilities’ plans for future work, especially around ensuring that key implementations are in place to support FAIR data. Further work within ExPaNDS, for example, around PIDs, metadata, and FAIR assessment, will provide guidance to support these activities.
expands, data policy, wp2-ExPaNDS