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7 materials found

Resource type: jupyter notebook 

Ewoks tutorial for developers

Learn how to create and execute workflows with Ewoks

Keywords: Ewoks, workflows, tutorial

Resource type: jupyter notebook

Ewoks tutorial for developers Learn how to create and execute workflows with Ewoks Ewoks, workflows, tutorial software developers
Offline data analysis tutorial

Tutorial on European XFEL offline data analysis as per example of MID instrument data

Scientific topics: small angle x-ray scattering

Keywords: Extra-data, Extra-geom, pyFAI, data analysis

Resource type: jupyter notebook

Offline data analysis tutorial Tutorial on European XFEL offline data analysis as per example of MID instrument data small angle x-ray scattering Extra-data, Extra-geom, pyFAI, data analysis PaN users beamline users research data scientist
Jupyter notebooks on Machine Learning for scientific data analysis

Jupyter Notebooks serving as supplementary material for a tutorial on Machine Learning, originally presented at the 2022 European XFEL user meeting.

Resource type: jupyter notebook

Jupyter notebooks on Machine Learning for scientific data analysis Jupyter Notebooks serving as supplementary material for a tutorial on Machine Learning, originally presented at the 2022 European XFEL user meeting. research data scientist PhD students masters students

A Jupyter Notebook used as an interactive lab book on the beamline SIRIUS (SOLEIL Synchrotron).

Keywords: labbook, jupyter notebook, SIRIUS beamline

Resource type: git, jupyter notebook

JupyLabBook A Jupyter Notebook used as an interactive lab book on the beamline SIRIUS (SOLEIL Synchrotron). labbook, jupyter notebook, SIRIUS beamline

JupyFluo is a Jupyter Notebook to analyze X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) experiments on the beamline SIRIUS at the synchrotron SOLEIL. The notebook should be first set up by an Expert following the instructions in the "Expert" section. User can then follow the guidelines in the "User" section to start...

Scientific topics: x-ray fluorescence

Keywords: X-ray fluorescence, jupyter notebook, SIRIUS beamline

Resource type: git, jupyter notebook

JupyFluo JupyFluo is a Jupyter Notebook to analyze X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) experiments on the beamline SIRIUS at the synchrotron SOLEIL. The notebook should be first set up by an Expert following the instructions in the "Expert" section. User can then follow the guidelines in the "User" section to start using the notebook. Please note that the notebook is currently in development. As such, be skeptical about any unexpected results. Any feedback on the notebook or the code is welcome. x-ray fluorescence X-ray fluorescence, jupyter notebook, SIRIUS beamline
How to read/edit a nexus file using h5py

A tutorial notebook on how to read and edit a nexus file using h5py.

Keywords: NeXus

Resource type: git, jupyter notebook

How to read/edit a nexus file using h5py A tutorial notebook on how to read and edit a nexus file using h5py. NeXus
GenX tutorial

howto_batch The notebook batch_genx.ipynb details the different steps on how to use GenX with command lines. The aim is to batch fits for XRR without the GUI. To do so we edit the .hgx files, which are just hdf5 files. The script is a condensed script without all the details...

Scientific topics: x-ray reflectivity

Keywords: GenX, jupyter notebook, XRR

Resource type: git, jupyter notebook

GenX tutorial howto_batch The notebook batch_genx.ipynb details the different steps on how to use GenX with command lines. The aim is to batch fits for XRR without the GUI. To do so we edit the .hgx files, which are just hdf5 files. The script is a condensed script without all the details from the notebook. howto_parameters Explains what are the different parameters in the GUI. x-ray reflectivity GenX, jupyter notebook, XRR