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3 materials found

Resource type: software 

Nexus - Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software

Repositroy for the Nexus. The Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software (Nexus) is a Python package for simulating and fitting of Moessbauer spectra, nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) data, pure electronic X-ray reflectivities (XRR), nuclear X-ray reflectivities (nXRR), and polarization...

Scientific topics: nuclear resonant scattering, reflectometry, polarimetry

Keywords: Nuclear Physics, Mossbauer spectroscopy, Nuclear resonant scattering

Resource type: software

Nexus - Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software Repositroy for the Nexus. The Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software (Nexus) is a Python package for simulating and fitting of Moessbauer spectra, nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) data, pure electronic X-ray reflectivities (XRR), nuclear X-ray reflectivities (nXRR), and polarization dependent electronic scattering. nuclear resonant scattering reflectometry polarimetry Nuclear Physics, Mossbauer spectroscopy, Nuclear resonant scattering researchers scientists
Metadata Catalogue Release

Self-contained, stand-alone metadata catalogue release that facilities can download to test/try and play with.

Keywords: ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, data catalogue, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS

Resource type: docker, docker-compose, software, git

Metadata Catalogue Release Self-contained, stand-alone metadata catalogue release that facilities can download to test/try and play with. ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, data catalogue, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS PaN Community ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members engineers research data engineer
Python Laser Image Visualization

Tool showing pictures from different cameras (directories) in a grid and a stepwise counter-based scroll functionality. Most of the layout and (future) filter options are defined by command line to allow an easy integration into an workflow based on CWL, OWL (or Knime). In future developments...

Keywords: Python, Laser, Visualization, Cameras, Laser Ion Acceleration, Qt5

Resource type: software, git

Python Laser Image Visualization Tool showing pictures from different cameras (directories) in a grid and a stepwise counter-based scroll functionality. Most of the layout and (future) filter options are defined by command line to allow an easy integration into an workflow based on CWL, OWL (or Knime). In future developments most of the parameters can be changed interactive and saved to a json file which can be used to describe the next workflow inputs, so that an interactive workflow development is possible. Python, Laser, Visualization, Cameras, Laser Ion Acceleration, Qt5 PaN Community Photon Community