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7 materials found

Scientific topics: nuclear resonant scattering  or extended x-ray absorption f...  or energy dispersive extended ... 

Tutorials for Nexus - Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software

Tutorials for the software package Nexus. The Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software (Nexus) is a Python package for simulating and fitting of Moessbauer spectra, nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) data, pure electronic X-ray reflectivities (XRR), nuclear X-ray reflectivities (nXRR),...

Scientific topics: nuclear resonant scattering, resonant scattering

Tutorials for Nexus - Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software Tutorials for the software package Nexus. The Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software (Nexus) is a Python package for simulating and fitting of Moessbauer spectra, nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) data, pure electronic X-ray reflectivities (XRR), nuclear X-ray reflectivities (nXRR), and polarization dependent electronic scattering. nuclear resonant scattering resonant scattering
Nexus - Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software

Repositroy for the Nexus. The Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software (Nexus) is a Python package for simulating and fitting of Moessbauer spectra, nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) data, pure electronic X-ray reflectivities (XRR), nuclear X-ray reflectivities (nXRR), and polarization...

Scientific topics: nuclear resonant scattering, reflectometry, polarimetry

Keywords: Nuclear Physics, Mossbauer spectroscopy, Nuclear resonant scattering

Resource type: software

Nexus - Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software Repositroy for the Nexus. The Nuclear Elastic X-ray scattering Universal Software (Nexus) is a Python package for simulating and fitting of Moessbauer spectra, nuclear resonant scattering (NRS) data, pure electronic X-ray reflectivities (XRR), nuclear X-ray reflectivities (nXRR), and polarization dependent electronic scattering. nuclear resonant scattering reflectometry polarimetry Nuclear Physics, Mossbauer spectroscopy, Nuclear resonant scattering researchers scientists
Introduction to the Practical Aspects of XAS and EXAFS data Measurement.

A practical guide on how to get prepared to measure distortion free XAS data.

Scientific topics: x-ray absorption, extended x-ray absorption fine structure

Keywords: ssrl, XAS, exafs

Resource type: video

Introduction to the Practical Aspects of XAS and EXAFS data Measurement. A practical guide on how to get prepared to measure distortion free XAS data. x-ray absorption extended x-ray absorption fine structure ssrl, XAS, exafs
XAFS, EXAFS, and XANES tutorials (also is a community site for x-ray absorption fine-structure (XAFS) and related spectroscopies. It is part of the web pages sponsored by the International XAFS Society,

Scientific topics: extended x-ray absorption fine structure, x-ray absorption fine structure, x-ray absorption near edge structure

Keywords: xanes & exafs, xafs, exafs, xanes

Resource type: community site

XAFS, EXAFS, and XANES tutorials (also is a community site for x-ray absorption fine-structure (XAFS) and related spectroscopies. It is part of the web pages sponsored by the International XAFS Society, extended x-ray absorption fine structure x-ray absorption fine structure x-ray absorption near edge structure xanes & exafs, xafs, exafs, xanes
Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy

Synchrotron X-ray techniques for industry R&I: Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy at the ESRF by Dr Sakura Pascarelli

Scientific topics: extended x-ray absorption fine structure

Keywords: xanes & exafs

Resource type: video

Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy Synchrotron X-ray techniques for industry R&I: Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy at the ESRF by Dr Sakura Pascarelli extended x-ray absorption fine structure xanes & exafs PaN Community
PaNdata software catalogue

PaNdata software catalogue is a database of software used mainly for data analysis of neutron and photon experiments.

Scientific topics: photon and neutron technique, crystallography, imaging, macromolecular crystallography, nuclear resonant scattering, powder diffraction, ptychography, radiotherapy, small angle x-ray scattering, small angle inelastic scattering, single crystal diffraction, surface crystallography, tomography

Keywords: software, FAIR, catalogue

Resource type: tool

PaNdata software catalogue PaNdata software catalogue is a database of software used mainly for data analysis of neutron and photon experiments. photon and neutron technique crystallography imaging macromolecular crystallography nuclear resonant scattering powder diffraction ptychography radiotherapy small angle x-ray scattering small angle inelastic scattering single crystal diffraction surface crystallography tomography software, FAIR, catalogue scientists neutron community Photon Community research data scientist
Learning pack: The synchrotron and its lights

The machine and beamlines, optical devices, magnetism vacuum and information about the analytic techniques applied on a synchrotron and through examples of studies carried out at the synchrotron SOLEIL.

Scientific topics: extended x-ray absorption fine structure, absorption spectroscopy

Keywords: synchrotron, optics, monochromators, magnetic fields, ultra-high vacuum, applications, xanes & exafs

Resource type: Document

Learning pack: The synchrotron and its lights The machine and beamlines, optical devices, magnetism vacuum and information about the analytic techniques applied on a synchrotron and through examples of studies carried out at the synchrotron SOLEIL. extended x-ray absorption fine structure absorption spectroscopy synchrotron, optics, monochromators, magnetic fields, ultra-high vacuum, applications, xanes & exafs general public masters students