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3 materials found

Scientific topics: small angle x-ray scattering  or inelastic x-ray small angle...  or soft x-ray small angle scat...  or grazing incidence small ang...  or micro grazing incidence sma...  or micro small angle x-ray sca... 

Offline data analysis tutorial

Tutorial on European XFEL offline data analysis as per example of MID instrument data

Scientific topics: small angle x-ray scattering

Keywords: Extra-data, Extra-geom, pyFAI, data analysis

Resource type: jupyter notebook

Offline data analysis tutorial Tutorial on European XFEL offline data analysis as per example of MID instrument data small angle x-ray scattering Extra-data, Extra-geom, pyFAI, data analysis PaN users beamline users research data scientist
Small and wide angle X-ray scattering (SAXS & WAXS)

Synchrotron X-ray techniques for industry R&I: SAXS & WAXS at the ESRF by Dr Michael Sztucki

Scientific topics: small angle x-ray scattering, wide angle x-ray scattering

Keywords: SAXS, WAXS

Resource type: video

Small and wide angle X-ray scattering (SAXS & WAXS) Synchrotron X-ray techniques for industry R&I: SAXS & WAXS at the ESRF by Dr Michael Sztucki small angle x-ray scattering wide angle x-ray scattering SAXS, WAXS PaN Community
PaNdata software catalogue

PaNdata software catalogue is a database of software used mainly for data analysis of neutron and photon experiments.

Scientific topics: photon and neutron technique, crystallography, imaging, macromolecular crystallography, nuclear resonant scattering, powder diffraction, ptychography, radiotherapy, small angle x-ray scattering, small angle inelastic scattering, single crystal diffraction, surface crystallography, tomography

Keywords: software, FAIR, catalogue

Resource type: tool

PaNdata software catalogue PaNdata software catalogue is a database of software used mainly for data analysis of neutron and photon experiments. photon and neutron technique crystallography imaging macromolecular crystallography nuclear resonant scattering powder diffraction ptychography radiotherapy small angle x-ray scattering small angle inelastic scattering single crystal diffraction surface crystallography tomography software, FAIR, catalogue scientists neutron community Photon Community research data scientist