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5 materials found

Target audience: archaeologists  or facility staff 

Advanced infrastructure for PIDs in Photon and Neutron RIs

This deliverable accumulates results of ExPaNDS works on the topic of persistent identifiers (PIDs) in facilities research. It refers to the substantial effort of persistent identifiers adoption in facilities and in a larger research ecosystem, and provides a general guidance, as well as...

Keywords: persistent identifiers, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: project deliverable

Advanced infrastructure for PIDs in Photon and Neutron RIs This deliverable accumulates results of ExPaNDS works on the topic of persistent identifiers (PIDs) in facilities research. It refers to the substantial effort of persistent identifiers adoption in facilities and in a larger research ecosystem, and provides a general guidance, as well as prioritised recommendations for research information practitioners who consider going beyond the current levels of persistent identifiers adoption by photon and neutron research infrastructures. persistent identifiers, wp2-ExPaNDS facility staff scientists
Persistent Identifiers for Facilities Research Workshop

Our workshop on Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) reflected on practices of PIDs used in facilities research, an update on state-of-the art and recent developments about PIDs elsewhere and discussions around the actual and desired levels of PIDs adoption across facilities research lifecycle. You...

Keywords: pid, persistent identifiers, expands, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video, slides

Persistent Identifiers for Facilities Research Workshop Our workshop on Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) reflected on practices of PIDs used in facilities research, an update on state-of-the art and recent developments about PIDs elsewhere and discussions around the actual and desired levels of PIDs adoption across facilities research lifecycle. You can read our report and view the presentations in the links below. pid, persistent identifiers, expands, wp2-ExPaNDS facility staff
Introduction to PGAA: Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis and Neutron Imaging at BNC

Introduction by László Szentmiklósi, to Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGAA) and Neutron Imaging at the the CERIC-ERIC Hungarian partner facility, the Budapest Neutron Centre of the Centre for Energy Research (EK) Link to PGAA webpage:...

Keywords: Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis, PGAA, Neutron imaging, archaeology, Materials Science, Heritage Science, Engineering

Resource type: video

Introduction to PGAA: Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis and Neutron Imaging at BNC Introduction by László Szentmiklósi, to Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGAA) and Neutron Imaging at the the CERIC-ERIC Hungarian partner facility, the Budapest Neutron Centre of the Centre for Energy Research (EK) Link to PGAA webpage: Link to RAD webpage: Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis, PGAA, Neutron imaging, archaeology, Materials Science, Heritage Science, Engineering researchers PhD students scientists archaeologists Materials scientists engineers experts / scientists in heritage sciences
The FAIR Experiment

Video recording of the workshop exploring the FAIR Experiment at PaN facilities (02/10/2020)

Keywords: FAIR, research data, data management, metadata, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video

The FAIR Experiment Video recording of the workshop exploring the FAIR Experiment at PaN facilities (02/10/2020) FAIR, research data, data management, metadata, wp2-ExPaNDS facility staff instrument scientist
FAIR for facilities

Video recording of the workshop providing an overview of FAIR to PaN facilities (01/10/2020)

Keywords: FAIR, research data, wp2-ExPaNDS

Resource type: video

FAIR for facilities Video recording of the workshop providing an overview of FAIR to PaN facilities (01/10/2020) FAIR, research data, wp2-ExPaNDS PaN Community instrument scientist facility staff