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4 materials found

Target audience: research scientists  or masters students 

ETH Lib4RI: Research Data Management – The Basics

Research data management best practices in the ETH Lib4RI, the Library for the Research Institutes within the ETH Domain: Eawag, Empa, PSI & WSL

Keywords: data catalogue, data management, metadata, SciCat

Resource type: slides

ETH Lib4RI: Research Data Management – The Basics Research data management best practices in the ETH Lib4RI, the Library for the Research Institutes within the ETH Domain: Eawag, Empa, PSI & WSL data catalogue, data management, metadata, SciCat research scientists postdocs PhD students ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members PaN users PaN Community researchers
A deep dive into the mathematics of Machine Learning

Crash course on Machine Learning

Keywords: machine learning

Resource type: slides

A deep dive into the mathematics of Machine Learning Crash course on Machine Learning machine learning research data scientist masters students PhD students
Jupyter notebooks on Machine Learning for scientific data analysis

Jupyter Notebooks serving as supplementary material for a tutorial on Machine Learning, originally presented at the 2022 European XFEL user meeting.

Resource type: jupyter notebook

Jupyter notebooks on Machine Learning for scientific data analysis Jupyter Notebooks serving as supplementary material for a tutorial on Machine Learning, originally presented at the 2022 European XFEL user meeting. research data scientist PhD students masters students
Learning pack: The synchrotron and its lights

The machine and beamlines, optical devices, magnetism vacuum and information about the analytic techniques applied on a synchrotron and through examples of studies carried out at the synchrotron SOLEIL.

Scientific topics: extended x-ray absorption fine structure, absorption spectroscopy

Keywords: synchrotron, optics, monochromators, magnetic fields, ultra-high vacuum, applications, xanes & exafs

Resource type: Document

Learning pack: The synchrotron and its lights The machine and beamlines, optical devices, magnetism vacuum and information about the analytic techniques applied on a synchrotron and through examples of studies carried out at the synchrotron SOLEIL. extended x-ray absorption fine structure absorption spectroscopy synchrotron, optics, monochromators, magnetic fields, ultra-high vacuum, applications, xanes & exafs general public masters students