SciCat ingestion approaches
Ingesting Data into SciCat. This manual collects various approaches for ingesting data.
SciCat ingestion approaches
Ingesting Data into SciCat. This manual collects various approaches for ingesting data.
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
research data engineer
Common search API definition
This document summarises the development of a common search API achieved in the PaNOSC Work Package 3. It explains the rationale behind the development and many of the decisions made as well as the general process that was followed.
Keywords: PaNOSC, expands, SciCat, ICAT, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: Document
Common search API definition
This document summarises the development of a common search API achieved in the PaNOSC Work Package 3. It explains the rationale behind the development and many of the decisions made as well as the general process that was followed.
PaNOSC, expands, SciCat, ICAT, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
research data engineer
data managers
data curator
DAPHNE4NFDI: Science driven data management solutions for the user community
Slides (and other resources) of the presentations done at this workshop, including a presentation of ICAT and SciCat.
Keywords: ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: slides
DAPHNE4NFDI: Science driven data management solutions for the user community
Slides (and other resources) of the presentations done at this workshop, including a presentation of ICAT and SciCat.
ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
PaN users
data curator
data managers
research data engineer
Metadata Catalogue Release
Self-contained, stand-alone metadata catalogue release that facilities can download to test/try and play with.
Keywords: ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, data catalogue, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
Resource type: docker, docker-compose, software, git
Metadata Catalogue Release
Self-contained, stand-alone metadata catalogue release that facilities can download to test/try and play with.
ICAT, SciCat, PaNOSC, data catalogue, expands, wp3-ExPaNDS
PaN Community
ExPaNDS and PaNOSC project members
research data engineer
Introduction to PGAA: Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis and Neutron Imaging at BNC
Introduction by László Szentmiklósi, to Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGAA) and Neutron Imaging at the the CERIC-ERIC Hungarian partner facility, the Budapest Neutron Centre of the Centre for Energy Research (EK)
Link to PGAA webpage:...
Keywords: Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis, PGAA, Neutron imaging, archaeology, Materials Science, Heritage Science, Engineering
Resource type: video
Introduction to PGAA: Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis and Neutron Imaging at BNC
Introduction by László Szentmiklósi, to Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGAA) and Neutron Imaging at the the CERIC-ERIC Hungarian partner facility, the Budapest Neutron Centre of the Centre for Energy Research (EK)
Link to PGAA webpage:
Link to RAD webpage:
Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis, PGAA, Neutron imaging, archaeology, Materials Science, Heritage Science, Engineering
PhD students
Materials scientists
experts / scientists in heritage sciences
Introduction to DXRL: Deep X-ray Lithography at the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste
Introduction to DXRL by Benedetta Marmiroli:
Deep X-ray Lithography at the CERIC Austrian partner facility of the Graz University of Technology at the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste, Italy
---DXRL webpage on the CERIC website:...
Keywords: CERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, deep x-ray lithography, DXRL
Resource type: video
Introduction to DXRL: Deep X-ray Lithography at the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste
Introduction to DXRL by Benedetta Marmiroli:
Deep X-ray Lithography at the CERIC Austrian partner facility of the Graz University of Technology at the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste, Italy
---DXRL webpage on the CERIC website:
---DXRL webpage on the Elettra website:
CERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, deep x-ray lithography, DXRL