The Catalogue Team
Leadership ExPaNDS Workpackage 5
- Ana Valcarcel-Orti (Soleil)
- Uwe Konrad (HZDR)
Project Management for the PaN Traininig Catalogue
- Oliver Knodel (HZDR)
- Antoine Padovani (Soleil)
Software Engineering
- Oliver Knodel (HZDR)
- Antoine Padovani (Soleil)
Design (Logo and Frontpage)
- Stella d'Ambrumenil (ESS)
The training portal for the photon & neutron community is supported through the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement 857641 and 823852.
- Knodel, Oliver; Valcarcel-Orti, Ana; Konrad, Uwe; Padovani, Antoine; Gutierrez, Marta; La Rocca, Giuseppe (2022). The Training Catalogue for Photon and Neutron Data Services. Training & Skills for EOSC: Lightning talks at the EOSC Symposium 2022. Slides, Agenda.
- Knodel, Oliver; Padovani, Antoine and Schwabe, Julia (2022). Training-catalogue for the Photon and Neutron Data Services. Software. Zenodo.
- Knodel, Oliver and Padovani, Antoine. (2022). Dedicated websites and e-platforms with the teaching material (1.0). Project Document (D5.5). Zenodo.
- Knodel, Oliver; Konrad, Uwe; Valcarcel-Orti, Ana and Padovani, Antoine. (2022). The Training Catalogue for Photon and Neutron Data Services. LEAPS meets Quantum Technology Conference, La Biodola Bay, Elba Island, Italy. Poster. Zenodo.
- Knodel, Oliver and Konrad, Uwe. (2021). Demonstrator for using e-learning platforms for PaN (1.0). Project Document (D5.4). Zenodo.