The Catalogue Team
Leadership ExPaNDS Workpackage 5
- Ana Valcarcel-Orti (Soleil)
- Uwe Konrad (HZDR)
Project Management for the PaN Traininig Catalogue
- Oliver Knodel (HZDR)
- Antoine Padovani (Soleil)
Software Engineering
- Oliver Knodel (HZDR)
- Antoine Padovani (Soleil)
Design (Logo and Frontpage)
- Stella d'Ambrumenil (ESS)
The training portal for the photon & neutron community is supported through the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement 857641 and 823852.
- Knodel, Oliver; Valcarcel-Orti, Ana; Konrad, Uwe; Padovani, Antoine; Gutierrez, Marta; La Rocca, Giuseppe (2022). The Training Catalogue for Photon and Neutron Data Services. Training & Skills for EOSC: Lightning talks at the EOSC Symposium 2022. Slides, Agenda.
Knodel, Oliver; Padovani, Antoine and Schwabe, Julia (2022). Training-catalogue for the Photon and Neutron Data Services. Software. Zenodo.
Knodel, Oliver and Padovani, Antoine. (2022). Dedicated websites and e-platforms with the teaching material (1.0). Project Document (D5.5). Zenodo.
Knodel, Oliver; Konrad, Uwe; Valcarcel-Orti, Ana and Padovani, Antoine. (2022). The Training Catalogue for Photon and Neutron Data Services. LEAPS meets Quantum Technology Conference, La Biodola Bay, Elba Island, Italy. Poster. Zenodo.
Knodel, Oliver and Konrad, Uwe. (2021). Demonstrator for using e-learning platforms for PaN (1.0). Project Document (D5.4). Zenodo.