Training for photon & neutron science.
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Online interactive courses on the theory of PaN science
along with experimental data reduction and analysis.
Practice data reduction and analysis.
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Latest Content in our training portal for the photon & neutron community
NEPHEWS Virtual Training
Join us for an opportunity of a lifetime - a virtual training in photon and neutron sources and their capabilities, accessible worldwide.
Check out the agenda and REGISTER NOW!
The speakers will be experienced representatives of research infrastructures affiliated with the NEPHEWS project...
Keywords: photon, neutron, synchrotron, free-electron laser
Added to the catalogue 4 days ago
LEAPS-INNOV WP7: 2025 annual meeting parallel session
The final annual meeting of LEAPS-INNOV WP7 - Data reduction. This meeting will provide updates on our continuing activity on using JPEG2000 within HDF5 for X-ray imaging, and the opportunity to share ongoing work at our facilities and plan for the future.
Keywords: data reduction, LEAPS, computing, hdf5, tomography
Added to the catalogue 4 days ago
Training materials on scientific Python programming and silx libraries.
This repository contains some training materials on scientific Python programming and silx libraries.
General topics:
* Introduction to Python and numpy
* Software engineering tools and tips for Python
silx trainings:
* Features of the silx toolkit
* Introduction to Fable Input/Output...
Keywords: Python, Silx, data analysis, data reduction, data visualisation
Added to the catalogue 95 days ago
Ewoks tutorial for developers
Keywords: Ewoks, workflows, tutorial
Added to the catalogue 95 days ago