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Content provider type: Portal 


Keywords: Data Literacy  or Helmholtz  or KFN, neutron, research with...  or Neutron science  or Open Science  or PaNOSC  or Photon science  or batteries  or circular economy  or data science  or scientific software 

  • PaN Learning

    PaN Learning is the E-learning platform of the PaN Training Portal for the Photon and Neutron...

    48 training materials
    PaN Learning PaN Learning is the E-learning platform of the PaN Training Portal for the Photon and Neutron community. The platform has a long history and is also part of the EU-founded projects PaNOSC and ExPaNDS. * The E-learning platform hosts free education and training for scientists and students. * In the platform you will find courses on both the theory of photon and neutron scattering and how to use python code or software for data reduction and modelling. * All content from our E-learning platform is also listed in this catalogue of PaN training materials. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/027/original/PaNelearning.png?1651055954