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Keywords: e-learning or Photon science
PaN Learning
PaN Learning is the E-learning platform of the PaN Training Portal for the Photon and Neutron...
48 training materialsPaN Learning https://e-learning.pan-training.eu/ https://pan-training.eu/content_providers/pan-training PaN Learning is the E-learning platform of the PaN Training Portal for the Photon and Neutron community. The platform has a long history and is also part of the EU-founded projects PaNOSC and ExPaNDS. * The E-learning platform hosts free education and training for scientists and students. * In the platform you will find courses on both the theory of photon and neutron scattering and how to use python code or software for data reduction and modelling. * All content from our E-learning platform is also listed in this catalogue of PaN training materials. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/027/original/PaNelearning.png?1651055954