Training for photon & neutron science.
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We have:
  • 247 materials:
    • 48 PaN E-learning courses and
    • 199 other materials
  • 724 events and
  • 13 workflows


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E-Learning Courses

Online interactive courses on the theory of PaN science
along with experimental data reduction and analysis.
Practice data reduction and analysis.
Run Jupyter notebooks remotely.

Latest Content in our training portal for the photon & neutron community

Lasers4EU Training Event: Women in Photonics

The international workshop “Women in Photonics “ will be held from 1 to 5 June 2025 in Jena, Germany. This event is organised by the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology, a member of the Laserlab-Europe AISBL. This year’s edition is organised with the support of Lasers4EU and 360Carla, a...

Added to the catalogue 1 day ago
Gordon Research Conference: Advanced X-Ray Science Driving Societal Transformation

The X-Ray Science GRC is a premier, international scientific conference focused on advancing the frontiers of science through the presentation of cutting-edge and unpublished research, prioritizing time for discussion after each talk and fostering informal interactions among scientists of all...

Added to the catalogue 2 days ago
Training materials on scientific Python programming and silx libraries.

This repository contains some training materials on scientific Python programming and silx libraries. General topics: * Introduction to Python and numpy * Software engineering tools and tips for Python silx trainings: * Features of the silx toolkit * Introduction to Fable Input/Output...

Keywords: Python, Silx, data analysis, data reduction, data visualisation

Added to the catalogue 162 days ago
Ewoks tutorial for developers

Learn how to create and execute workflows with Ewoks

Keywords: Ewoks, workflows, tutorial

Added to the catalogue 162 days ago