Create workflow

  • Containerized Serial Crystallography “CrystFEL” VISA workflow

    Experiments generate up to 150 TB per day of data saved at the measurement facility. Such large datasets are impractical for users to take home.

    Subsequent analysis needs to be performed remotely making it attractive for deployment as a cloud-like use case. Involving EOSC in the analysis and...

  • Kinetic SAXS, 2D Scanning SAXS

    Cartography or kinetic experiments can generate up to 3 TB per day of raw data saved at the measurement facility. Such large datasets are impractical for users to take home. Subsequent analysis needs to be performed remotely on a performant platform, making it attractive for deployment as a...

  • Learning path: Metadata catalogue services including PaN ontologies

    Three different workshops were held linking metadata catalogues, OAI-PMH, the PaNET ontology, the pan ontologies API.

  • Ptycho-tomography

    Ptychography and ptychographic X-ray computed tomography (PXCT) are synchrotron-based imaging techniques that are taking advantage of the increased coherence of the new generation diffraction-limited storage rings. PXCT allows reconstruction of the sample electron-density in space and imaging 3D...

  • Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, SANS

    This use case employs the data reduction software Mantid ,the most used data reduction software at ISIS and adopted by a number of other facilities. Furthermore, it demonstrates a typical workflow to turn raw data into reduced data, which can then be used by subsequent analysis.

    The main...

  • SOLEIL DISCO (Dichroism, Imaging, mass Spectrometry for Chemistry and biOlogy) beamline from sample preparation to data analysis.

    DISCO is a VUV to visible beamline dedicated to biochemistry, chemistry and cell biology. The spectral region is optimised between 60 and 700 nm with conservation of the natural polarization of the light.

    DISCO offers two experimental end stations to the scientific communities: SRCD (circular...

  • Use Case 3: X-ray absorption spectroscopy

    Here you can find the last oficial slide of UC3.

    Slide of UC 3